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Kevin Curry

Bacon & Egg Stuffed Sweet Potato

Start the day with this delicious bacon and egg stuffed sweet potato. It’s the perfect start to an epic day.

This is a follower-requested recipe based on a picture I recently posted to Instagram.

It is also inspired by my egg & turkey bacon stuffed avocado recipe that I shared in 2013.

First, let’s bake these sweet potatoes for 45 minutes at 400F. You want them to be soft and yet firm. If they are too soft and overcooked, we can’t use them.

When you are done baking, cut them in half and carve out part of the potatoes inside. Don’t waste any of it. Save for the next meal, for example, potato mash or any other recipe.

Let’s make two versions of stuffed sweet potatoes. For the first one we’ll use turkey leg bacon, and for the other one let’s keep plain.

Slice the bacon in half and wrap the inside of the potato hole with the bacon halves. The tricky part is adding eggs to it. I achieved greater success by first adding egg whites and then egg yolks.

If you are worried about overcooking the egg yolk in the oven, try this. Set the egg yolks aside and bake the sweet potatoes with the egg whites only. When baking is done, place the egg yolks on top and finish baking.

Place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for about 25 minutes at 400 F, or until the egg whites are completely cooked. Now, add some flavor. I love adding a little fresh rosemary, fresh brown pepper, sea salt and a little oregano. And, of course, if you want some heat, add a few drops of sriracha sauce. Boom!

If you like this potato recipe, do me a favor and share with others. If you try stuffed baked sweet potato, comment down below and let us know how it went for you.

Bacon & Egg Stuffed Sweet Potato


Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 1 raw medium sweet potato (~400g)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 slices turkey leg bacon (uncured & nitrate free, I prefer Applegate brand)**
  • Seasonings:
    • fresh rosemary
    • pepper
    • sea salt

** – denotes Optional ingredient


Step 1

Set oven to 400F.

Step 2

Bake sweet potatoes in the oven for about 45 minutes until they are soft, yet still a little firm.  If they are too soft, we will not be able to use them.

Step 3

TIP: if the sweet potatoes are too thin or not thick enough, I advise baking two sweet potatoes. Then, you can skim the tops off – about 1/3 off the top – of the baked sweet potatoes, making it easier to carve a hole deep enough for the egg.

Step 4

Slice the sweet potatoes in half and carve out part of the inside in order to make a hole for the egg.

Step 5

Use the leftover sweet potato to make a delicious mash with cinnamon and coconut oil, or you can use it as topping for my Shepherd’s Pie recipe.

Step 6

If you use bacon, wrap one slice of turkey bacon around the inside hole in the sweet potato. If it is easier, you can slice the bacon into individual pieces and then wrap around the inside of the sweet potato.

Step 7

Crack an egg into a bowl. First pour the egg white in the hole, then add the egg yolk.

Step 8

If you are worried about overcooking the egg yolk in the oven or undercooking the egg white, then only add in the egg white. Bake the sweet potato with only the egg white and when the egg white is nearly finished, about 90%, remove it from the oven, add the egg yolk, then place it back in the oven to finish baking.

Step 9

Bake these in the oven for 25 minutes at 400F, or until all the egg white has been cooked.

Step 10

Season, garnish and devour. Serve immediately while warm.


Approximate macros for 1 serving with 1 slice turkey bacon and ~200g sweet potato:

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Prep 8min
Cook 8min
Total 8min

Nutrition per serving

About Kevin - author


Hey, I'm Kevin

My name is Kevin. My life changed when I realized that healthy living is a lifelong journey, mainly won by having a well-balanced diet and maintaining an active lifestyle.

By experimenting in the kitchen and sharing my meals on Tumblr, I learned healthy eating is not boring! By making a few adjustments to my favorite foods, I could design a diet that could help me achieve my wellness goals while satisfying my desire for BANGIN food! 😅 Now I try to help people around the world realize that same level of freedom in eating regardless of budget. Welcome, let's #DemocratizeWellness together!