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Smoked Salmon Brown Rice Bowl

Recipe 1


Prep 2min
Cook 8min
Total 10min

Ingredients for 1 bowl

  • 3oz wild smoked salmon
  • 1 egg, soft boiled
  • 1/4 medium ripe avocado, slices
  • 1 serving brown rice with edamame
  • Garnish
    • 1 teaspoon sesame seeds (optional)
    • cilantro or fresh green onion
    • lime


Step 1

Boil an egg for 6 to 8 minutes for a soft-boiled egg.  Note: you can boil longer if you do NOT want the yolk to be soft.  Immediately place the eggs in ice water to stop it from cooking.

Step 2

Add all of the ingredients to a bowl.

Step 3

Garnish and enjoy!

Recipe 2

Brown Rice With Edamame

Prep 5min
Cook 25min
Total 30min

Ingredients for 5 servings

Serving size: ~ 2/3 cup
  • 1 cup dry long grain brown rice (uncooked)
  • 1 cup frozen shelled edamame
  • Seasoning
    • 1 tablespoon low sodium soy sauce
    • 1/2 tablespoon rice vinegar
    • 2 teaspoons sesame oil
    • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • Garnish
    • fresh green onion
    • lime zest (optional)


Step 1

Cook brown rice according to instructions given.

Step 2

Mix together the seasonings in a small bowl and set aside.

Step 3

When the rice is cooked and still hot, add the seasonings and frozen edamame. Mix together thoroughly until the edamame has thawed and the flavors meld together in the rice.

Step 4

Garnish and enjoy!