Meal Prep Archives - Fit Men Cook Recipes and ideas to make you healthier & happier. Wed, 04 Oct 2023 11:44:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Meal Prep Archives - Fit Men Cook 32 32 48 College Meal Prep Ideas for Students Wed, 04 Oct 2023 11:44:48 +0000 Life on campus can be a whirlwind of lectures, late-night study sessions, and, of course, the ever-looming deadlines. Amidst all this chaos, it’s easy to let your nutrition take a back seat, opting for quick and often not-so-healthy meal options.  But I’m here to tell you that eating well as a college student doesn’t have […]

The post 48 College Meal Prep Ideas for Students appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

Life on campus can be a whirlwind of lectures, late-night study sessions, and, of course, the ever-looming deadlines. Amidst all this chaos, it’s easy to let your nutrition take a back seat, opting for quick and often not-so-healthy meal options. 

But I’m here to tell you that eating well as a college student doesn’t have to be a distant dream. 

In fact, it can be both affordable and convenient with a little bit of planning and creativity.

I get it; the struggle is real. But this guide will bridge the gap between your tight schedule (and budget!) and your desire for nutritious meals. 

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of healthy meal prep—your secret weapon for maintaining a balanced diet, saving money, and reclaiming valuable time.

If cooking isn’t your thing, no sweat! We’ll explore easy-to-follow meal prep tips tailored specifically to the college student’s lifestyle. No fancy gadgets or extensive culinary skills are required. Just a desire to eat better, feel better, and perform at your best.

Get ready to bid farewell to those greasy takeout containers and microwaveable noodles. 

Instead, get ready to finally have it all: taste, health, and academic success 

From quick and delicious recipes that won’t break the bank to practical strategies for meal prep for college students that fit seamlessly into your busy days, this article is your comprehensive guide to college life done right.

So, are you ready to revolutionize your college dining experience?

Let’s do this!

 😉Choose your own adventure:

>> For an intro to meal prepping, keep reading! I’ll cover all the basics in this step-by-step guide to mastering healthy eating in college.

>> If you’re already a meal prep pro, feel free to skip down to my recipe lists so you can hit the kitchen and get cooking.

How Do College Students Meal Prep for a Week? 

We’ve all been there: the hectic class schedules, study groups, and the siren call of the campus cafeteria for fast food drive-thru. But fear not, with a bit of planning you can enjoy home-cooked meals even during your busiest weeks.

Begin with baby steps. You don’t have to conquer an entire week of meal prep in one go. 

But with a bit of practice and the helpful tips below, you’ll find that you can prepare a whole week’s worth of meals in just a few hours.

9 Tips for Easy College Meal Prep

1. Plan Your Meals and Snacks

First things first, grab your trusty notepad or smartphone and start planning your meals for the week. Take into account your class schedule, extracurricular activities, and any special events. Knowing when you’ll need meals and snacks helps you avoid food waste and those tempting vending machine trips. It’ll also save you precious time if you can hit the grocery store with a solid list of everything you’ll need.

2. Keep It Simple 

Let’s be real; we’re not all culinary wizards. Stick to straightforward recipes that won’t require a Michelin-star chef to execute. Think one-pot wonders, sheet pan meals, and easy stir-fry. Simplicity is your friend when you’re juggling coursework.

3. Batch Cooking

Choose a day (Sunday, anyone?) to do your batch cooking for the week. It’s like having your own meal assembly line. Cook up a big batch of grains like rice or quinoa, roast a bunch of veggies, and prep some protein sources like chicken, tofu, or beans. This way, you’ll have versatile ingredients ready to mix and match throughout the week.

4. Invest in Meal Prep Containers

Investing in a stack of good-quality meal prep containers makes a huge difference. They’ll keep your food fresh, organized, and portable for when you’re on the go. Plus, they make your fridge look pretty organized too!

5. Portion Control

Now, here’s a secret to avoid overeating: portion control. Separate your meals into individual servings. This not only helps with managing calories but also makes it super easy to grab and go.

6. Variety Is Key

Some folks just don’t mind eating chicken and rice every day. If that’s you, more power to you! But if that’s not you, avoid the mealtime monotony by incorporating different flavors and cuisines throughout the week. Switch up your proteins, experiment with various seasonings, and don’t forget to include a variety of colorful veggies. Your taste buds will thank you. 

7. Snack Smart

Stock up on healthy snacks like nuts, Greek yogurt, or pre-cut veggies. This way, you’ll have nutritious options on hand when the munchies strike between classes or late-night study sessions. Also, check out the meal prep recipe snack list below for some great snacks to batch cook.

8. Prep the Night Before

If mornings are a rush and you’re not quite ready to prep a whole week’s worth of meals over the weekend, just prep the next day’s meals the night before. It’ll save you precious time in the a.m. and ensure you don’t resort to sugary cereals or unhealthy breakfast options. Or worse – skipping breakfast altogether. I’m looking at YOU…

9. Consider Purchasing a Small Freezer

Ok, hear me out on this one. This tip can be a GAME-CHANGER.

First of all, it IS in your budget. You can find small freezers for no more than $100. And you’re going to save at least that much super fast if you’re not eating out and you’re buying in bulk.

Second, you DO have space for it. If not, find space: The corner of your room. In a closet. The corner of your kitchen. On top of your desk (what? just go study in the library). SOMEWHERE. It’s worth it to get creative – they don’t take up more than about 2 feet of space.

Now, why am I making such a big deal about a freezer?

A mini freezer allows you to buy frozen ingredients in bulk when they’re on sale, helping you save big bucks in the long run. You can store frozen fruits and veggies, pre-made meals, and even leftovers from your batch cooking sessions. Plus, it’s a lifesaver for those nights when you don’t feel like cooking – just defrost a pre-prepped meal, and you’re good to go.

Food saves longer in the freezer, so when you batch cook for the freezer you don’t need to eat up the leftovers within the week but you can enjoy the meal again when you’re ready for it a few weeks down the road.

You will thank me on this one. So will your roommates. GET A FREEZER. It will likely last your entire time at college and beyond, so it’s worth it to get it now. It will be your secret weapon against food waste and expensive, unhealthy takeout.

*    *    *

So, there you have it – your crash course on how college students can conquer meal prepping for a week. With some strategic planning and a pinch of dedication, you can enjoy delicious, homemade meals while navigating the whirlwind of college life. Ready to make your culinary journey a bit easier?

Now, let’s dive into some wallet-friendly tips that will not only satisfy your taste buds but also keep your bank account in check. 

10 Budgeting Tips for College Student Meal Prepping 

Alright, my budget-savvy college students, let’s get real about meal prepping on a tight budget. We all know that the college wallet can sometimes feel more like a bottomless pit, but fear not! With a little creativity and these wallet-friendly tips, you can meal prep like a pro for cheap college food that also tastes amazing.

1. Budget Your Meals

Before you hit the grocery store, sit down and plan your meals for the week. Create a simple menu and make a shopping list with all the ingredients you’ll need. If you need to, take a few minutes at the store to price out ingredients and know the cost of each meal. Having a clear plan helps you avoid impulse purchases and stay within your budget.

2. Buy in Bulk

Consider purchasing staple ingredients in bulk. Items like rice, pasta, beans, and oats are often more cost-effective when bought in larger quantities. Plus, they have a long shelf life, so they won’t go to waste. If you don’t have a ton of kitchen space, consider storing bulk items in your bedroom closet or under your bed.

3. Embrace Frozen Fruits and Veggies

Fresh produce is fantastic, but it can be pricey. Opt for frozen fruits and vegetables when your budget is tight. They’re just as nutritious and can be used in a variety of recipes. Plus, they won’t spoil quickly. See where that freezer comes in handy. 😉

4. Choose Budget-Friendly Proteins

Proteins like chicken thighs, canned tuna, eggs, and tofu are not only versatile but also budget-friendly. Look for sales and discounts to score even better deals on these protein sources. 

5. Minimize Food Waste

One of the best ways to save money is to minimize food waste. Use leftovers creatively in new recipes, and make sure to store food properly to extend its freshness. Use all parts of your ingredients.

6. DIY Snacks

Instead of buying expensive pre-packaged snacks, consider making your own. Whip up a batch of granola bars, energy bites, or popcorn for a more economical and healthier alternative.

7. Cook in Batches

When you’re meal prepping, think in batches. Every time you cook dinner, double or triple the recipe and freeze the extra portions. It’s like building a stash of homemade convenience meals for those days when you’re too busy to cook. If you have a crock pot, large crock pot meals can really be your friend here.

8. Shop Sales and Use Coupons

Keep an eye out for sales, discounts, and coupons. Many grocery stores offer loyalty programs that can help you save a significant amount over time. Don’t be afraid to go generic when it comes to certain items; they’re often just as good as name brands.

9. Make It a Group Effort

Consider meal prepping with friends or roommates. Buying ingredients in bulk and sharing the costs can significantly reduce your individual expenses while making meal prep a fun and social activity. 

10. Stick to Your Grocery List

When you hit the store, stick to your shopping list religiously. Avoid impulse purchases and stay focused on your budget-friendly meal prep ingredients.

By following these budgeting tips, you can stretch your dollars further while still enjoying delicious and nutritious homemade meals. Remember, meal prepping isn’t just about saving time – it’s about making the best cheap college meals you’ve ever seen! Now, let’s dive into some wallet-friendly recipes that’ll keep your taste buds and your wallet happy.

Easy Breakfast Meal Prep for College Students

  1. Microwave Frittata Recipe
college meal prep

This is super easy meal prep, and you can customize it with your favorite ingredients like veggies or cheese. Prep a batch on Sunday, slice it into single servings, and you’ve got a week’s worth of hearty, protein-packed breakfasts ready to nuke and go, making it the perfect meal prep choice for your busy college mornings!

  1. Chocolate Protein Pancakes Recipe using Casein
cheap food for college students

These are not only incredibly delicious but also packed with protein to keep you fueled throughout the day. Whip up a batch on a lazy Sunday morning, freeze them individually, and pop them in the toaster whenever you need a quick and satisfying breakfast that’s perfect for busy days. Plus, the chocolatey goodness will make you feel like you’re treating yourself even on the craziest of mornings!

  1. Starbucks Copycat – NO Sugar Added Strawberry Overnight Grains
meal prep college students

Have you tried overnight oats yet? This overnight grain recipe is a college student’s meal prep dream come true. It’s not only delicious but also super healthy with no added sugar. Make a big batch one night, divide it into portable containers, and you’ll have a week’s worth of ready-to-grab breakfasts that are both tasty and guilt-free, perfect for busy mornings rushing to class!

  1. Peach Cobbler Overnight Oats with Chia
easy meal prep for college students

Here’s another fabulous overnight oat recipe! Whip up a big batch, portion it into mason jars or small Tupperware, and refrigerate them for a week of hassle-free breakfasts. With the sweet, fruity goodness and the added health boost from chia seeds, you’ll have a quick and satisfying morning meal that keeps you energized for those early morning lectures. Plus, it’s the kind of breakfast that makes you feel like you’re indulging in dessert for breakfast!

  1. Healthy Pumpkin Protein Waffles Breakfast Meal Prep
college meal prep on a budget

Get ready for a taste of fall. Spend a bit of extra time on a weekend morning to make a big batch of these waffles, then freeze them individually. Throughout the week, just pop them in the toaster for a quick, warm, and wholesome breakfast that will kickstart your day with pumpkin-spiced perfection. 

  1. Peanut Butter Coffee & Chocolate Protein Parfait
easy meal prep ideas for college students

This parfait is pure magic, especially for chocolate, peanut butter, and coffee lovers like me. It’s become my daily go-to, whether as a satisfying breakfast or a rewarding post-workout treat. Finish it off with granola, chocolate chips, and fresh blueberries for a creamy, crunchy, and refreshing experience that’s not only a flavor bomb but also a fantastic energy booster, thanks to the caffeine and protein. Plus, it’s calorie-conscious and keeps you feeling full until your next meal. Treat yourself to this delicious creation and enjoy the perks of coffee, peanut butters, and chocolate, all in one delightful parfait!

  1. Protein Breakfast Cookies
cheap college food

Who doesn’t crave some delicious cookies? These Protein Breakfast Cookies are not only tasty but also give you that much-needed protein boost with oats and nut butters like peanut butter. What’s even better? They’re loaded with fiber, making them easy on your digestion. By cutting down on sugar and opting for honey and apple sauce, you strike the perfect balance of fiber and carbs. Make a big batch and pop them in the freezer. Pull one out as you get ready and either zap it in the microwave or let it warm up on its own for a mid-morning snack.

  1. Oat, Turkey & Cheese Breakfast Muffins
easy college meal prep

These Oat, Turkey & Cheese Breakfast Muffins are the ultimate meal prep solution for college students. Packed with savory turkey and cheese, they’re not just mouthwatering but also protein-packed to keep you energized for those early morning classes. Prepare a batch on a relaxed Sunday, and you’ll have a week’s supply of these grab-and-go breakfast muffins, perfectly suited for those busy college mornings when you need a quick and satisfying meal.

Lunch and Dinner College Meal Prepping Ideas

  1. Microwave Rice Recipe – Dorm Room Friendly
college meal prep ideas

This recipe is not only super quick and easy but also perfect for those times when you’re limited to just a microwave. Whip up a big batch of rice, store it in the fridge, and you’ll have a versatile base for various meals throughout the week, saving you time and ensuring you never go hungry, even in the coziest of dorm rooms!

  1. Microwave Tuna Casserole Recipe
cheap meal ideas for college students

This Microwave Tuna Casserole Recipe is a college student’s meal prep superhero. It’s not just delicious but also incredibly convenient, especially when you’re crunched for time or working with limited kitchen resources. 

  1. Beef and Broccoli Ramen Noodles Recipe
prep recipes for college

Ditch that packet of ramen and level up with this more adult version. It’s not only mouthwatering but also incredibly budget-friendly. Plus, the combination of protein-packed beef and nutritious broccoli will keep you fueled and focused throughout your busy schedule.

  1. Quick Butternut Squash Soup Recipe
college student meal prep

This nutritious soup is bursting with delicious fall flavors and freezer-friendly convenience. It’s an ideal choice to keep you cozy and well-fed during your bustling college days, and don’t forget, you can always add your favorite toppings to give it that extra touch of personal flair!

  1. Microwave Sweet Potato Recipe with BBQ Chicken – 10-Minute Meal
make ahead meals for college students

Prepare a batch of sweet potatoes and BBQ chicken, store them separately, and you’ll have a week’s worth of nutritious, hearty meals that you can microwave in a flash between classes or study sessions. It’s the perfect solution for busy college days when you need a tasty, satisfying meal in no time!

  1. Microwave Egg Noodles & Pasta Recipe
cheap easy meals for college students

This pasta recipe is another simple and lightning-fast microwave recipe. Customize it with your favorite sauces and toppings for a quick and delicious college meal that won’t disappoint!

  1. Canned Chicken Curry Bowl Recipe
cheap meals for college students

How many of your friends are eating homemade curry bowls on a weeknight? With the convenience of canned chicken, these bowls are not only bursting with flavorful curry goodness but also a breeze to prepare. Cook up a generous batch, portion it into your trusty meal prep containers, and you’ll have a week’s worth of delicious curry bowls at your fingertips. Grab some naan from the store to heat up for a complete and mouthwatering college meal prep experience that will have your friends drooling to share!

  1. Tex Mex Canned Chicken Bowl Recipe
meal prep ideas for college students

This Tex Mex recipe is tailor-made for college students looking for a hassle-free meal prep option. Thanks to the convenience of canned chicken and the bold Tex Mex flavors, it’s incredibly quick and easy to prepare. Personalize it with your choice of toppings, whether it’s creamy avocado or zesty salsa, to take it to the next level. 

  1. Meal Prep Ground Turkey Recipe
college meal prep ideas

You don’t have to meal prep an entire meal to save time and money in the kitchen. Check out the benefits of chicken meal prep. Having prepped ingredients on hand is a college student’s secret to convenience in the kitchen. Use this ground turkey as a base for tacos, salads, or pasta dishes, and you’ll never run out of tasty options. Here are 3 burrito recipes and a Turkey and Squash Mix to get your creative juices flowing. Say goodbye to dining halls with this budget-friendly, customizable recipe, and make cooking a breeze!

  1. Air Fried Orange Chicken with NO Sugar Added
college meal prep recipes

Okay, I know I said no fancy kitchen gadgets needed – you can simply use your oven instead of air fryers for this recipe. This orange chicken isn’t just incredibly tasty but also a healthy alternative to takeout, thanks to no added sugar. Pair it with some brown rice for a satisfying and complete meal prep that’ll keep you fueled and focused!

  1. $2 Food Bank Smoked Turkey Pasta
easy meal prep for college students

Eating healthy and delicious meals on any budget is a college student’s smart move, and this $2 Food Bank Smoked Turkey Pasta recipe proves just that. It’s incredibly wallet-friendly and a breeze to prepare. With a little meal prep, you’ll have a week’s worth of savory, cost-effective meals ready to enjoy between classes or during late-night study sessions. You can also get creative by adding your favorite veggies or spices to make it even more satisfying and budget-friendly!

  1. Baked Stuffed Pasta Shells – Ricotta, Kale & Pesto
best cheap college meals

Can you imagine coming home on a busy weeknight to the delightful aroma of these Baked Stuffed Pasta Shells, all without having to do any of the prep? It’s every college student’s dream meal! These shells aren’t just incredibly delicious; they’re also packed with nutritious kale and creamy ricotta. By preparing a generous batch over the weekend and storing them in meal prep containers (they also freeze well), you’ll have a week’s worth of wholesome, filling dinners ready to be effortlessly reheated, making your college life a whole lot tastier and more convenient!

  1. Chopped Chicken Salad Wrap For Leftover Chicken
meal prep ideas for college students

Have leftover chicken to use up? This isn’t just a delicious way to repurpose leftovers, but it’s also a quick and healthy option for busy days on campus. Whip up a big batch of the salad, pack it into whole-grain wraps, and you’ve got a week’s worth of nutritious, grab-and-go lunches. Customize it with your favorite veggies and salad dressing to make it uniquely yours!

  1. Bean, Turkey & Veggie Stuffed Peppers
college meal prep

These not only deliver a burst of delicious flavor but also offer a unique twist on stuffed peppers that’s both budget-friendly and health-conscious. 

  1. Fried Chicken Strips With Baked Potato Chips Recipe
cheap meal ideas for college students

Looking for that comforting taste of home-cooked favorites? Make a generous batch of these delicious chicken stripes and you’ve got satisfying, indulgent meals ready to heat up in a pinch. Add your favorite dipping sauces to make it even more exciting. 

Snack Meal Prep Recipes for College Students

  1. Frozen Yogurt Bark with Mango Recipe
college meal prep recipes

This is a sweet, healthy treat that’s not only delicious but also incredibly simple to make. Break it into snack-sized portions for a guilt-free snack ready to grab from the freezer during study sessions or late-night cravings. Customize it with your favorite fruits or nuts to keep it exciting and nutritious. It’s the perfect recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth while staying on track with your health goals.

  1. Quick Refried Black Bean Quesadillas
easy college meal prep

These tasty quesadillas are lightning-fast to make. Customize with your favorite toppings like salsa or avocado for an extra burst of flavor. It’s the perfect recipe to keep you satisfied and stress-free.

  1. Oven-Baked Protein & Oat Cake
cheap college food

This recipe can pass for breakfast, a snack, or even dessert. Dress this up with toppings like banana slices, peanut butter, or cacao nibs and you’ll satisfy your hunger and your sweet tooth.

  1. Egg White, Nut Butter & Zucchini Brownies
meal prep for college students on a budget

Looking to disguise your veg as a dessert? This one will surely have you fooled that you’re enjoying a delicious treat while you get in a nice dose of zucchini. Who doesn’t want to snack on a brownie and feel good about it?

  1. Chocolate Oatmeal Energy Protein Bites
easy meal prep ideas for college students

Packed with protein and a delightful chocolatey flavor, these are the perfect on-the-go snack to keep you fueled during long days of classes and study sessions. They store well in both the fridge and the freezer.

  1. Vegan-Friendly Energy Protein Balls
college meal prep on a budget

These vegan-friendly protein balls are like little bites of plant-powered energy. Add your favorite nuts or seeds to give them a delicious twist and an extra boost of nutrition. With these, you’ll stay energized and ready to tackle college life head-on!

The Advantage of Meal Prep for College Students

Meal prepping is like that awesome friend who helps you out when you need it most. It saves you time, keeps your wallet happy, lets you eat healthier, and adds a dash of variety to your meals. It’s like a superpower that turns your humble dorm kitchen into a food paradise. 

With these easy tips, recipes, and a pinch of college spirit, you’ll be the king or queen of meal prep in no time. So, grab your spatula, your Tupperware, your favorite meal prep idea from above, and let’s spice up your college journey, one tasty meal at a time. 

Here’s to acing life, both in and out of the kitchen! 🍽📚✨
For more recipe ideas, check out Fit Men Cook.

The post 48 College Meal Prep Ideas for Students appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

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Meal Prep Ideas for Picky Eaters Wed, 21 Jun 2023 10:43:47 +0000 If you’re busy like me, you’re always trying to find a way to make mealtime easier and more enjoyable for your family. But easy weeknight dinners for picky eaters can feel like an impossible order! If your family would rather eat chicken nuggets and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,  Well, we’ve got a life hack […]

The post Meal Prep Ideas for Picky Eaters appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

If you’re busy like me, you’re always trying to find a way to make mealtime easier and more enjoyable for your family. But easy weeknight dinners for picky eaters can feel like an impossible order!

If your family would rather eat chicken nuggets and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, 

Well, we’ve got a life hack for you: meal prepping. 

It saves you money and time AND can help your entire family eat a healthy diet. Even if they’re picky!

Together, we’ll tackle the challenge of meal prepping for picky eaters head-on. We’ve gathered the most helpful tips and a wealth of creative meal prep ideas tailored to cater to your pickiest eaters. 

So, say goodbye to mealtime struggles and hello to hassle-free, delicious meals that will make everyone in your family happy. 

Mastering the Basics of Meal Prepping

It’s time to dive into the basics of meal prep so you can conquer the challenge of cooking healthy meals for picky eaters. Don’t worry if you’re new to this or had some bumpy experiences before. We’re here to break it down for you, step by step, to make meal prep a breeze.

Plan Your Meals:

First things first, sit down and think about the meals you want to make for the week. Consider the likes and dislikes of the picky eaters you’re cooking for. Write down a list of the dishes you want to prepare and the ingredients you’ll need. Before grocery shopping, check what you already have in your pantry and fridge.

Get Ready to Prep:

Once you have your simple ingredients, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get prepping. Start by washing and cutting your veggies, dividing your proteins into portions, and cooking grains or starches. By doing these tasks in advance, you’ll have everything ready when it’s time to assemble your meals.

Choose the Right Containers:

Invest in good-quality containers that are safe for the microwave, and freezer, and easy to clean. These containers will be perfect for storing your prepped meals. Divide the meals into individual portions, keeping them nicely organized and ready to grab whenever you need them.

Store and Label:

After prepping and packing your meals, it’s time to store them. Some meals can go in the fridge for a few days, and others can be frozen for later use. Label each container with the name of the dish and the date it was prepared. This will help you keep track of freshness and avoid any confusion later on.

Mix and Match Flavors:

Some picky eaters like to keep meals exciting with variety, so have fun with different flavors and ingredients. Experiment with spices and sauces to make each meal interesting. You can even create a menu for the week, mixing and matching proteins, veggies, and grains to keep things fun.

Easy Grab-and-Go:

One of the best things about meal prep is its convenience. Whether you’re rushing to work, school, or activities, you’ll have a delicious meal ready to grab and go. No more stressing about what to cook or settling for unhealthy options. With your prepped meals for picky eaters, you’ll have nourishing and tasty food on hand.

So there you have it! With these meal prep basics, you’re on your way to becoming a pro at cooking for picky eaters. Remember to plan, prep, and get creative with flavors. Next up, we’ll share some fantastic meal prep ideas that will make those picky eaters happy. Get ready to level up your meal prep game!

Easy Meal Prep for Picky Eaters Your Whole Family Will Enjoy

picky eater meal prep

Cooking multiple meals every night to please everyone at the dinner table can be a hassle. It’s even more frustrating when someone complains about each recipe you try! Meals can turn into a real drag. Instead of constantly searching for the perfect meals to please everyone, why not spice things up? Transform several nights a week into an easy buffet-style setup that guarantees each person gets exactly what they want. 

By preparing these customizable dishes in bulk, you can fill your fridge with tasty and nutritious options that are always ready to eat. Whether it’s a busy weeknight or a laid-back weekend, having these buffet-style meals at your fingertips ensures that you can feed your entire family with a combo that matches their taste preferences and dietary needs. 

With the freedom to choose their own ingredients and toppings, everyone can get excited about mealtime. And you can take a break from cooking daily (and take a break from picky eater complaints 😉)!

Personalize Your Pasta

When it comes to meal prep for picky eaters, pasta recipes are a fantastic option. Cook a large batch of noodles and divide them into individual containers for convenient reheating throughout the week. Mix up several topping options and everyone can dish up what they’d like. Here are some great ways to customize your pasta for picky eaters.

  1. Cook and Divide: 

Start by cooking a generous amount of noodles, such as spaghetti, penne, or bowties. Once cooked, divide them into individual containers for easy reheating throughout the week. This way, each family member can have their own portion of perfectly cooked pasta at their fingertips.

  1. Sauce Selection: 

Prepare an array of flavorful sauces to satisfy everyone’s taste preferences. Whip up classics like marinara, creamy alfredo, zesty pesto, or aromatic tomato-basil. Let each family member choose their favorite pasta sauce or even mix and match to create unique flavor combinations. Store the sauces in separate containers for easy access and customization.

  1. Protein Options: 

Amp up the protein content of your pasta dishes by offering various options. Grill some chicken, brown ground beef, sauté shrimp, or pan-fry tofu for a plant-based alternative. You can even include mushrooms or other plant-based protein sources. Having an assortment of proteins readily available ensures that everyone can customize their pasta recipes with their preferred protein.

  1. Lots of Veggies: 

Add a burst of color and nutrition by loading up on vibrant veggies. Think peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, corn, spinach, onions, and more. Picky eaters might skip a few veggies, but offering ones they enjoy gives them a chance to include some healthy goodness.

  1. Crunchy Toppings: 

Elevate the texture of your pasta dishes with delightful crunchy toppings. Toasted breadcrumbs, crushed nuts like almonds or pine nuts, or crispy bacon bits are fantastic options. These toppings not only add a satisfying crunch but also introduce new flavors and excitement to the pasta bar experience.

  1. Herbs and Spices: 

Sprinkle an assortment of herbs and spices to awaken the taste buds and enhance the flavors of your pasta creations. Basil, oregano, parsley, garlic powder, chili flakes, or Italian seasoning can add a delightful touch. Encourage everyone to get creative with their herb and spice choices, allowing for personalized flavor profiles.

Set up your customizable pasta bar by arranging the various sauces, proteins, veggies, crunchy toppings, and herbs/spices in separate bowls or containers. Let each family member build their pasta masterpiece by choosing their preferred ingredients and combinations. Mealtime will become an adventure where everyone can unleash their culinary creativity and indulge in delicious pasta creations that cater to their unique preferences.

Create Your Own Salad

meal prep ideas picky eaters

Not in the mood for pasta? No problem! Try custom salads, where you can mix and match ingredients to create a vibrant and refreshing meal. Before you start your meal prep, brainstorm a list of ingredients and healthy meals for picky eaters to enjoy. Consider their favorite vegetables, proteins, and toppings. This will ensure that everyone has something they love in their salad.

Here’s how you can meal prep salads to satisfy even the pickiest eater: 

  1. Prep the Greens:

Wash and dry a variety of leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, or mixed greens. Chop them into bite-sized pieces and store them in individual containers or large resealable bags. This way, the greens stay fresh and are ready to be used throughout the week.

  1. Cook the Protein: 

Cook or prepare your desired proteins in advance. Grill some chicken, hard-boil eggs or marinate tofu. Portion them into separate containers so that each family member can choose their preferred protein for their salad.

  1. Ready the Veggies: 

Chop or slice an assortment of colorful vegetables, including cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, shredded carrots, or radishes. Store them in separate containers, allowing everyone to select their favorite veggies for their salad.

  1. Gather the Toppings: 

Prepare an assortment of crunchy toppings like toasted nuts, seeds, croutons, or crispy bacon bits. Keep them in small containers or resealable bags so that each person can add their preferred toppings to their salad.

  1. Make the Dressings: 

Make a variety of dressings to accommodate different flavor preferences. Prepare classic options like ranch, vinaigrette, or Caesar dressing. You can also experiment with homemade dressings like honey mustard, balsamic glaze, or creamy avocado. Store the dressings in individual containers or small jars for easy access.

By following these meal prep tips, you’ll have customized salad components ready to go, making it easier to accommodate the preferences of picky eaters. Lay out all the prepped ingredients and let each family member build their own masterpiece. The beauty of custom salads is that each person can create a combo that excites their taste buds. 

Customize a Rice Bowl

Let’s explore the world of custom rice bowls, where you can create a mouthwatering meal that caters to everyone’s taste buds. 

Here’s how you can meal prep custom rice bowls for even the pickiest eaters:

  1. Cook the Rice: 

Start by cooking a large batch of rice according to your family’s preference. Whether you opt for fluffy white rice, nutty brown rice, or fragrant jasmine rice, make enough to last throughout the week. Store the cooked rice in individual containers in the fridge for easy access.

  1. Pack in Protein: 

Prepare a variety of proteins to suit different palates. Marinate chicken, beef, or tofu with your favorite seasonings and cook them ahead of time. You can also include options like shrimp, salmon, or tempeh. Portion the proteins into separate containers, making it convenient for everyone to choose their preferred protein for their rice bowl.

  1. Include Tons of Veggies: 

Chop an array of fresh vegetables to add color, flavor, and nutrition to your rice bowls. Consider options such as sliced bell peppers, steamed broccoli florets, grated carrots, sautéed mushrooms, or snap peas. Store the veggies in separate containers, allowing each family member to pick their preferred mix of veggies.

  1. Serve a Variety of Sauces: 

Whip up a selection of delicious sauces and dressings to enhance the flavors of your rice bowls. Prepare classic options like teriyaki sauce, sesame ginger dressing, sweet chili sauce, or peanut sauce. You can also experiment with homemade creations using soy sauce, lime juice, honey, and other flavorful ingredients. Store the sauces in individual containers or small bottles for easy pouring.

  1. Add More Toppings: 

Offer an assortment of toppings to add texture and excitement to the rice bowls. Toasted sesame seeds, chopped scallions, crushed peanuts, or crispy fried onions are just a few options to consider. Keep the toppings in small containers or resealable bags for easy access and customization.

When it’s time to enjoy your custom rice bowls, set up a build-your-own station where each family member can dish their favorite ingredients. Start with a bed of rice, then let everyone add their preferred protein, veggies, sauces, and toppings. Encourage creativity and exploration to build unique flavor combinations and try new things!

By incorporating customizable meals like personalized pasta, custom salads, and rice bowls into your meal prep routine, you can create a dining experience that caters to the taste preferences of each family member, even the pickiest eaters. The convenience of having prepped ingredients at your fingertips is that everyone can build their own delicious combinations, making mealtime exciting and enjoyable. So, say goodbye to cooking daily and complaints from picky eaters, and embrace the freedom and creativity of customizable meals that the whole family will love. 

How to Make a Meal Plan For Picky Eaters

Picky eaters can be kids or adults who stick to their favorite foods and shy away from anything new or different. But fear not, with a little creativity and patience, you can turn trying new foods into a fun and exciting adventure! Here are some helpful tips for picky eaters to make mealtime more enjoyable for both of you.

  1. Start small: 

Introduce new flavors alongside familiar favorites. Encourage them to take a few bites and explore new tastes gradually.

  1. Create a fun atmosphere: 

Make mealtimes enjoyable and stress-free. Focus on positive experiences rather than pressuring them to eat.

  1. Be an explorer: 

Discover simple ingredients and an easy recipe together. Embrace the excitement of trying something new and expanding their palate.

  1. Expand horizons: 

Encourage them to step outside their comfort zone and try different foods. You never know, they might discover a new favorite!

  1. Blend old and new: 

Combine unfamiliar foods with their favorite sauces or dressings. Mixing flavors can make new foods more appealing.

  1. Conquer texture preferences: 

Find creative ways to accommodate their texture preferences. Use a food processor to create smooth purees or try alternative cooking methods.

  1. Mix and match: 

Combine new ingredients with familiar ones to create flavorful combinations. Let them customize their meals with their favorite seasonings.

  1. Buffet-style excitement: 

Make meal prep fun by setting up a buffet-style spread. Offer a variety of carbs, proteins, veggies, and condiments for a personalized dining experience.

  1. Smaller portions, big variety: 

Prepare smaller meal batches to allow for more flexibility and to cater to changing preferences.

  1. Introduce creativity: 

Experiment with creative alternatives to make new foods more enticing. Surprise them with unique twists on familiar dishes.

  1. Snack time fun: 

Don’t forget about snacks! Keep a selection of healthy and tasty snacks on hand to satisfy cravings throughout the day.

  1. Seek professional help if needed: 

If picky eating becomes a significant challenge, consider seeking guidance from registered dietitians or eating behavior specialists.

Remember, patience and understanding are key when helping someone with picky eating habits. Celebrate little wins and focus on discovering new flavors together. With your support and a bit of creativity, you can help them broaden their food horizons and embrace a wider range of delicious options.

Weekly Meal Plan Ideas for Picky Eaters: Breakfast

meal prep ideas for picky eaters

Making a healthy breakfast is a must for everyone, but it can be challenging when dealing with picky eaters. Skipping breakfast sets them up for hunger later in the day, which can lead to unhealthy snacking or making poor food choices. Instead of skipping breakfast altogether, try meal prepping creative and nutritious morning meals that cater to their specific tastes. By planning ahead and preparing meals that they enjoy, you can ensure that they have a satisfying and wholesome breakfast every day. Here are some recipes for picky eaters to get you started with your weekly meal planner.

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Banana Pudding Overnight Oats

Starbucks Copycat – NO Sugar Added Strawberry Overnight Grains

Peach Cobbler Overnight Oats with Chia

Weekly Picky Eater Meal Plan: Lunch and Dinner

healthy meal prep for picky eaters

I like to plan my meals ahead and consider how I can repurpose leftovers. This way, I can create delicious combinations that even picky eaters will enjoy. For example, I might prepare spicy chicken or beef tacos for dinner knowing that I can use the leftovers to make a fantastic lunch later in the week. By warming up the leftovers and adding fresh lettuce and corn tortillas, I can create a satisfying meal that caters to their preferences. It’s a smart and practical way to make meal prep enjoyable for everyone! Check out some of these easy dinner meal ideas for picky eaters kids and adults that help make the best meal plan for picky eaters.

Tex-Mex Style Burrito

Air Fried Peanut Butter Chicken

Air Fried Bbq Flavored Chicken

Cheesy Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

Maple Air Fried Chicken Recipe

Baked Stuffed Pasta Shells – Ricotta, Kale & Pesto

Air Fried Cheeseburger Egg Rolls

Fried Chicken Strips With Baked Potato Chips Recipe

Dealing with picky eaters during mealtime doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By following these strategies and being a little creative, you can turn ordinary meals into enjoyable experiences that satisfy even the fussiest eaters. Embrace the power of meal prepping, especially the buffet-style approach. By planning ahead and preparing meals in advance, you’ll have more flexibility and save time. Happy cooking!

The post Meal Prep Ideas for Picky Eaters appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

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Diabetes Meal Prep for Beginners Mon, 19 Jun 2023 09:03:17 +0000 Let me tell you what: I LOVE food.  I’m from the south and I love to love my food. I love the taste. I love the texture. I love how it looks. Everything.  In the past, whenever I managed to work off my weight, my love for food would take over and the weight would come […]

The post Diabetes Meal Prep for Beginners appeared first on Fit Men Cook.


Let me tell you what: I LOVE food. 

I’m from the south and I love to love my food. I love the taste. I love the texture. I love how it looks. Everything. 

In the past, whenever I managed to work off my weight, my love for food would take over and the weight would come piling back on. Then I would work really hard to get the weight off again… 


I got so tired of this cycle!

Then the wake-up call came: my doctor said I had higher blood pressure than normal and I saw a picture of myself and didn’t even recognize myself. 

Time to break the cycle once and for all!

I got to work like I never had before. I read every book on nutrition that I could get my hands on and I created delicious meals that would help me lose weight and regain my health.

Remember how I love food? I’m not about to sacrifice flavor and I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to either. 

If you’re diabetic, pre-diabetic, or have gestational diabetes, managing your diabetes can feel overwhelming. In addition to the guidance from your doctors and nutritionists, this plan for beginners will help you know what you can eat to get started on your journey toward diabetes control and prevention. 

Break the weight cycle – like I did – with healthy diabetes meal planning that tastes great! 

If you’re new to diabetes, keep reading for an overview of healthy food for people with diabetes. 

If you’re not new and don’t need the overview, jump straight to our 7-day diabetes meal plan with healthy recipes


Do any of these sound familiar:

“I can’t believe it. I never thought I’d have diabetes.”

“What does this mean for my future? Will I have to change my lifestyle?”

“I don’t want to take medication. Can I control my diabetes with diet plans and exercise?”

“I feel overwhelmed. What do I do next?”

First of all, don’t worry, I’m not asking you to give up ice cream! It’s important to start this journey with baby steps. Very few people can change their entire lifestyle overnight and stick with it long-term. What we’re looking for here are small, sustainable changes that you can build up as you get more comfortable and confident in your healthy eating. Start by swapping out a soda with flavored water. Do that over time until you’ve eliminated soda from your daily diet… yes, even the sugar-free soda. Make sure dinners include fruit and a vegetable every night. Replace a takeout meal with a home-cooked meal. Baby steps – you’ve got this!

Over time these small changes will not only add up, but they’ll create momentum to help you make larger changes that you actually want to maintain. 

So, even though a diabetes diagnosis can cause a roller coaster of emotions, responding with small but consistent changes is the way to go. 

Here are a few things to get started with as you work to lower and stabilize your blood sugar level:

  • Reduce Sugar and Simple Carbs. 

First, cut out those sugary drinks, like I just mentioned. Sodas and other drinks are often loaded with sugar. Instead, drink more water, seltzer, or unsweetened teas. If you just love your sodas, try drinking a large glass of water before every soda. Increase your water consumption until you’re able to push the soda out completely. In addition to drinks, look for opportunities to swap simple carbohydrates like white rice, white pasta, and white bread with more complex carbs. Be careful with deceptive marketing on this one. Just because a certain pasta or bread claims to have “multi-grains,” or another seemingly healthy ingredient, doesn’t actually mean it’s healthy. Look at food labels and find foods with low sugar and whole grains. And if you’ve got a sweet tooth, start by cutting down your portion size. If you cut out all sugar too quickly, your mind and body will obsess over it. Indulge in your favorite treat, but only eat a little. Then start swapping out the sugary treats for healthier options: try the lower-sugar version of your favorite treat, eat popcorn instead of a sugary treat, or have a bowl of fruit.

  • Increase Fiber. 

Increasing your fiber helps you avoid spikes in your blood sugars. It’s best to get fiber directly from foods like oatmeal, quinoa, whole-wheat bread, vegetables, fruits, and beans. But you can also add high-quality fiber supplements to your diet plan.

  • Eat Regularly. 

That’s right, skipping meals doesn’t help keep your blood sugars stable. Eating high-quality meals and snacks throughout the day can help you avoid getting overly hungry. Instead of skipping meals or even telling yourself that you can’t have something, eat when you’re hungry and focus on adding healthy choices to your diet instead of restricting unhealthy options. Cut back on your portion sizes of unhealthy choices and add more fruits and vegetables throughout the day.

  • Increase Movement. 

You don’t need to kill yourself at the gym to experience the health benefits of exercise. Studies have shown that a 10-minute walk after each meal can lower your blood sugars more than a single 30-minute walk each day. So if your watch pings you to stand up each hour, it’s for good reason. Take the stairs and not the elevator – it all adds up. Whether you choose to run, walk, bike, or swim, just keep moving throughout the day as much as possible.

  • Focus on Proteins, Fruits, and Vegetables. 

Each meal and snack should prioritize these whole foods. A high protein meal plan includes eggs, plain Greek yogurt, nuts, lean meat, chicken breasts, fish, white beans, tofu, peanut butter, spinach, broccoli, and more. There are a variety of tasty ways to increase protein in every meal and snack. After you’ve picked a protein to eat, pair it with fruits and veggies until you’re full. Add a few whole grains, and you’ve got a great meal plan for beginners right there. For example, if you want toast for breakfast, add an egg instead of jam. If you need a crunchy snack, pass on the chips and have an apple with peanut butter. A great baby step to start with is making sure you always eat a protein with every carb.

  • Weight loss. 

This one goes without saying. I’m also positive it’s one you’re working on. Research shows that a drop of 5-10% in body weight correlates with better blood sugar control. Remember the snowball effect – each baby step you make will add together until you start to see major changes. Weight management will come more easily as you make changes in your diet plan and exercise. For more information on meal prepping specifically for weight loss, check out this article

…REMEMBER TO START SMALL BUT STAY CONSISTENT! Once you’ve made a change, try to keep it going. Add another change and another until you reach the snowball effect and they start to build on each other. You may need to push yourself beyond what’s comfortable – especially if your doctor says immediate changes are necessary – but try not to take on too much at once.


You may be tempted to focus on what you “can’t” eat right now. Instead, focus on the many delicious foods you can eat and find satisfying lowcarb meal plans so you won’t miss the sugar and simple carbs so much.

  • Vegetables – limit your corn and potatoes to avoid blood sugar spikes
  • Fruits – especially citrus, berries, apples, and pears
  • Meats – especially chicken, turkey, and fish, limit red meat
  • White Beans, lentils, nuts, and nut butters – use natural nut butters 
  • Oils – use coconut, avocado, and olive oil where possible
  • Whole grains – especially brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, and other complex carbs
  • Avocados, plain Greek yogurt, and other low-sugar healthy fats

For ideas on how to combine these ingredients into flavorful dishes, keep reading to see our healthy recipes and just how easy diabetes meal planning for a whole week can be.


Meal prep, or prepping your meals in advance, is a great way to set yourself up for healthy eating success. If you wait until you are hungry to think about your next meal, you’re more likely to grab junk food or fast food. BUT if you have a healthy meal or snack ready to grab when you need it, the convenience of that meal will help make healthy eating the easier choice. 

Learn more about meal prep here. And check out all of the crazy awesome benefits of meal prep here.

So if you want diabetes management that doesn’t feel like diabetes management, get ready to fill your fridge and freezer full of delicious, healthy meals that will also save you time and money. That sounds like a win-win-win-win to me!

Steps to Diabetic Meal Prep

Step 1: Set your goals – include restrictions to your daily calories, if necessary

Step 2: Make a plan – select healthy recipes that support your goals

Step 3: Grocery shop – purchase any items missing from your pantry and fridge

Step 4: Cook the food – follow your recipes

Step 5: Store the food – package individually-portioned meals for easy grab-and-go eating

Tips for Successful Meal Prepping

  • Cook the foods with the longest cooking time first, like roasted vegetables, roasted chicken, and brown rice.
  • Use a single protein in several meals so you can batch cook, like making a large batch of chicken breasts and using it in 3-4 different healthy recipes.
  • Don’t forget snacks – boiled eggs, chopped veggies and fruits, and small salads are great options.
  • Use both your fridge and freezer – foods stored in the fridge need to be eaten within 4 days, use the freezer for longer storage times.
  • Use airtight containers to keep food fresh.
  • Don’t add salad dressing to salads until just before eating.


If you’re ready to get started with meal prep to see how helpful it can be in supporting your healthy eating choices, give this 7-day meal plan for beginners a try. These meals focus on low-carb meal plan recipes that will keep you full longer without a sugar spike.

Meal Prep these meals and store them in individually portioned containers according to your daily calories needed:

diabetic prepared meals

  1. Texas Breakfast Casserole – Freeze half in individual portions for a later week.
  2. Bacon, Egg & Cheese Frittata Muffins – Freeze half in individual portions for a later week.
  3. Green Goddess Avocado Salad
  4. Orzo Pasta Salad Recipe
  5. Ginger Beef & Broccoli 
  6. Cajun Red Pepper Pasta with Shrimp

Day 1

prepared meals for diabetics

Breakfast – Texas Breakfast Casserole

Lunch – Green Goddess Avocado Salad

Snack – One medium apple with one tablespoon of peanut butter

Dinner – Ginger Beef & Broccoli

Day 2

diabetes prepared meals

Breakfast – Texas Breakfast Casserole

Lunch – Orzo Pasta Salad Recipe

Snack – ⅓ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds

Dinner – Cajun Red Pepper Pasta with Shrimp

Day 3

meal prep for diabetics

Breakfast – Texas Breakfast Casserole

Lunch – Green Goddess Avocado Salad

Snack – One medium bell pepper with ¼ cup hummus

Dinner – Ginger Beef & Broccoli

Day 4

meal prep ideas for diabetics

Breakfast – Bacon, Egg & Cheese Frittata Muffins

Lunch – Orzo Pasta Salad Recipe

Snack – Eight 100% whole-grain crackers and one-ounce low-fat cheddar cheese

Dinner – Cajun Red Pepper Pasta with Shrimp

Day 5

diabetic meal prep for beginners

Breakfast – Bacon, Egg & Cheese Frittata Muffins

Lunch – Green Goddess Avocado Salad

Snack – Two slices of 100% whole wheat bread and one tablespoon of almond butter

Dinner – Ginger Beef & Broccoli

Day 6

diabetes meal prep

Breakfast – Bacon, Egg & Cheese Frittata Muffins

Lunch – Orzo Pasta Salad Recipe

Snack – Three cups of air-popped popcorn flavored with one tablespoon of nutritional yeast and one string of cheese with healthy fats

Dinner – Cajun Red Pepper Pasta with Shrimp

Day 7

diabetic meal prep ideas

Breakfast – Bacon, Egg & Cheese Frittata Muffins

Lunch – Green Goddess Avocado Salad

Snack – One hard-boiled egg lightly sprinkled with everything bagel seasoning and one-ounce unsalted pretzels

Dinner – Ginger Beef & Broccoli

Check out more recipes like these on our website: Fit Men Cook

For more meal plans like this one, try the MealPrepPro app. It’s free to download and you can get started today with our free trial. MealPrepPro lets you easily customize meal plans to your dietary needs and will help you meal prep like a boss. It’s available today on iPhone and iPad.

The post Diabetes Meal Prep for Beginners appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

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Bulk Up and Fuel Your Gains With The Best Meal Prep for Bulking Fri, 16 Jun 2023 12:00:00 +0000 If you want to build muscle and get stronger, this bodybuilding meal prep guide is for you! It’s all about eating the right foods to help your muscles grow. When you’re in the Bulk & Build phase of bodybuilding, it means you need to eat more calories than you burn. It’s like a balancing act. […]

The post Bulk Up and Fuel Your Gains With The Best Meal Prep for Bulking appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

If you want to build muscle and get stronger, this bodybuilding meal prep guide is for you! It’s all about eating the right foods to help your muscles grow.

When you’re in the Bulk & Build phase of bodybuilding, it means you need to eat more calories than you burn. It’s like a balancing act. You want to give your body enough energy from carbohydrates to fuel your workouts and replenish what you’ve used up during exercise.

You might be eating more carbs than usual, but don’t worry! It’s part of the plan. It’s all about finding the right amount of carbs for your goals and your current body composition without going overboard.

Starting this meal prep journey might feel like an adventure. We know it takes some planning and organizing to get going with meal prep. But don’t worry, we’ve made it as simple as possible. 

I have to be honest with you, though. It might take a few tries to get the hang of bulking meal prep before you’ll be able to prepare your meals quickly and efficiently. Building your body takes time and practice. And learning the new skill of meal prep does as well. But if you stick with it and stay dedicated, you’ll become a pro at meal prepping like a true bodybuilding champion.

So get ready to learn and prepare yourself for an amazing journey. With bodybuilding meal prep, you’ll fuel your workouts, see progress in your muscles, and move closer to your goals. Let’s make every meal count on this incredible bulking adventure!

Crunching the Numbers of Bulking Meal Prep

Before starting your muscle-building journey, it’s important to check in with your doctor. Things like your body type and medical history can impact how you approach bulking. Once you’re all cleared by the doc, follow these steps to kickstart your plan for bulking:

  1. Identify calorie needs: Determine the number of calories you need daily using an online calculator. While you don’t have to obsessively count every calorie, having a rough estimate is important to guide your progress. Understanding your calorie needs is an important first step toward success.
  1. Calculate macros: Find the right macro balance for your body. Start with general recommendations like 35% carbs, 25% fats, and 40% proteins. Experiment over time to fine-tune the ratios that work best for you. Everyone’s body is unique, so adjust as needed.
  1. Eat smart: Plan your meals to meet your calorie and macro goals. You don’t have to become a math expert, though. Utilize helpful apps like My Fitness Pal to track your food intake effortlessly. Simply log your meals and snacks for a couple of weeks, and the app will provide insights into your calories and macronutrients. It takes the guesswork out of the equation.

Consult, calculate, consume—unlock your muscle-building potential with these essential steps. Remember to stay consistent, listen to your body, and make adjustments along the way. Your journey to a stronger and more muscular physique starts now!

Check out our guide for calculating macros for bulking.

Clean Bulk vs Dirty Bulk Meal Prep

easy bulking meals

Now that you have your daily calorie target, there are two primary approaches that can help you achieve your bulking goals: clean bulking and dirty bulking. Let’s take a look at these two diets.

Clean Bulking

Clean bulking takes a moderate approach to calorie intake, making healthier food choices along the way. It’s all about fueling your body with nutrient-dense foods that support muscle development. With clean bulk eating, you’re not just building muscles; you’re nourishing your body from within.

Dirty Bulking

This approach involves consuming a surplus of calories, often from high-calorie and sometimes less nutritious foods like junk food. The idea is to supercharge your calorie intake, promoting rapid weight gain and muscle mass growth. It might sound enticing, but keep in mind that the focus here is less on the quality of your food choices and more on packing on pounds quickly.

Now, the big question: Which approach to choose for your Meal Prep Bulk?

Well, that depends on your goals and personal preferences. If you’re looking for lightning-fast weight gain and don’t mind the possibility of some extra body fat, dirty bulking might be an exciting option for you. It can deliver rapid muscle growth, but keep in mind that there might be a trade-off in terms of overall health.

On the other hand, if you value a more balanced and sustainable approach, clean eating is your ticket to success. By focusing on healthier food choices and a controlled calorie surplus, you can achieve steady muscle growth while keeping fat gain in check. It’s all about finding the sweet spot where you can make progress while maintaining healthy eating.

In this thrilling journey of muscle-building, consistency, dedication, and overall well-being are your best companions. Keep pushing forward, stay committed to your goals, and celebrate every milestone along the way. With the right mindset and a well-planned approach, you’ll achieve the results you desire.

Easy Meal Prep for Bulking

So where does meal prep fit into this bulking journey? It’s a game-changer that will not only save you time and effort but also catapult your muscle gains into overdrive. Meal prep is the secret weapon of successful fitness enthusiasts worldwide. It’s the tried-and-true strategy that fuels their insane muscle gains and transforms their bodies into masterpieces of pure muscle. And now, it’s your turn to harness this powerhouse technique!

So, why is meal prep the holy grail of bulking up? It’s simple, really. While it is your choice whether you follow a clean bulking vs dirty bulking diet, we’re in the clean bulking camp. 😉 And by prepping your meals in advance, you seize control of your nutrition. No more winging it or settling for subpar fuel. With meal prep, you’re setting yourself up for monumental muscle growth and progress.

Here are the simple steps to get you started with meal prep:

Step 1: Create a Menu

Design a menu that makes your taste buds do a happy dance. Plan out your meals for the entire week, and don’t forget to throw in some muscle-reviving post-workout snacks. We’re talking about food that makes your muscles shout, “Hell, yeah!”

Step 2: Get the Food

Hit the store like a beast on a mission. Hunt down the freshest ingredients, those that pack the biggest punch of muscle-building goodness. This is where you stock up on the fuel that will take your gains to the next level.

Step 3: Cook

Follow those prep recipes for muscle, infusing each dish with your dedication to becoming an unstoppable muscle machine. 

Step 4: Get it in the Fridge

Grab a storage container and divide your meals. Each meal prep container is packed with the nutrients you need to demolish your workouts and conquer your goals. This is where you show the world that you mean business!

With your fridge or freezer now stacked with an arsenal of prepped meals, you’re ready to face any challenge that comes your way. No more second-guessing or making excuses. Your prepped meals are your secret weapon, the fuel that will drive you to beastly muscle gains and epic victories.

Meal Prep Plan for Bulking Day by Day

So this menu will help satisfy your taste buds and supercharge your gains without compromising on nutrition. Mix and match your favorite ideas for muscle gain to simplify your cooking without compromising on your nutrition.

Day 1:

Breakfast: Spinach and mushroom omelet with whole wheat toast

Mid-morning snack: Greek yogurt with a handful of almonds

Lunch: Grilled chicken salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and vinaigrette

Afternoon snack: Apple slices with peanut butter

Dinner: Baked salmon with quinoa and roasted asparagus

Evening snack: Cottage cheese with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey

Day 2:

Breakfast: Protein pancakes with blueberries

Mid-morning snack: Hard-boiled eggs with baby carrots

Lunch: Turkey wrap with whole wheat tortilla, lettuce, tomatoes, and avocado

Afternoon snack: Protein smoothie with banana and spinach

Dinner: Grilled flank steak with sweet potato mash and steamed broccoli

Evening snack: Greek yogurt parfait with granola and mixed berries

Day 3:

Breakfast: Overnight oats with chia seeds and mixed berries

Mid-morning snack: Rice cakes with hummus

Lunch: Quinoa salad with grilled shrimp, bell pepper, and feta cheese

Afternoon snack: Protein bar and mixed nuts

Dinner: Lean ground beef stir-fry with brown rice and snap peas

Evening snack: Chocolate protein shakes with almond butter

Day 4:

Breakfast: Veggie scramble with tofu and whole wheat toast

Mid-morning snack: Cottage cheese with pineapple chunks

Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with quinoa and steamed broccoli

Afternoon snack: Rice crackers with guacamole

Dinner: Baked cod with sweet potato fries and roasted Brussels sprouts

Evening snack: Greek yogurt with dark chocolate chips and walnuts

Day 5:

Breakfast: Protein smoothie bowl with banana, spinach, and toppings of choice

Mid-morning snack: Protein shake with almond milk and a handful of cashews

Lunch: Turkey meatballs with whole wheat pasta and marinara sauce

Afternoon snack: Veggie sticks with hummus

Dinner: Grilled chicken skewers with quinoa tabouleh and grilled zucchini

Evening snack: Rice cakes with peanut butter and sliced strawberries

Day 6:

Breakfast: Avocado toast with poached eggs and sliced tomatoes

Mid-morning snack: Greek yogurt with granola and raspberries

Lunch: Tuna salad lettuce wraps with cucumber and carrot sticks

Afternoon snack: Protein smoothie with mango and coconut milk

Dinner: Baked turkey breast with roasted sweet potatoes and steamed green beans

Evening snack: Protein pudding with berries and shredded coconut

Day 7:

Breakfast: Protein waffles with mixed berries and a drizzle of maple syrup

Mid-morning snack: Hard-boiled eggs with cherry tomatoes

Lunch: Grilled shrimp with brown rice and stir-fried veggies

Afternoon snack: Greek yogurt with cinnamon and sliced almonds

Dinner: Baked chicken thighs with quinoa salad and roasted cauliflower

Evening snack: Cottage cheese with sliced peaches and a sprinkle of cinnamon

Meal prep batches of hard-boiled eggs, quinoa, protein waffles or pancakes, chicken, and sweet potatoes to save you time throughout the week. Or if repeating meals doesn’t bore you, make a large batch of your favorite meal prep meals to eat several times throughout the week. Check out the bulking meal prep ideas below to get you started.

Remember to adjust portion sizes and ingredients based on your individual calorie and macronutrient needs. This weekly bulking meal plan provides a variety of nutrient-dense foods to support your muscle-building goals. Feel free to mix and match meals and healthy snacks to keep your taste buds excited throughout the week.

Meal Prep Ideas for Bulking

From protein-packed powerhouses to carb-loaded creations, these recipes will get you started with meal prep and have you conquering the kitchen like a true bulking champion. So grab your apron, sharpen those knives, and let’s get your taste buds satisfied and your muscles primed for growth. 

bulking meal prep

Chun-Li Lightning Kick Sweet Red Pre-Workout Smoothie

Sweet Potato Brownies

Creamy Vanilla Bean Protein Smoothie Bowl

Blackberry BBQ Salmon Meal Prep

Muscle E. Honda Torpedo Green Smoothie

Post-workout Pizza

Spicy Chipotle Chicken

Muscle Cakes! Red Potato & Tuna Patties

Nighttime Protein Smoothie For Bedtime & Sleep

Lemon Ginger Chicken & Asparagus Stir-fry

Gluten-Free Vegan Chocolate Brownie Waffles

Pineapple Chicken Fried Rice With Turmeric

4 Ingredient Frozen Fruit Sorbet

10-minute Protein Brown Rice Crispies Treats

High-Protein Breakfast Casserole

Superfood Raw Energy Bars with Cacao

Muscle E. Honda Torpedo Green Smoothie

Chili Stuffed Sweet Potato

Sea Bass Recovery Burger With Chips

For more recipes, check out the Fit Men Cook blog.

The post Bulk Up and Fuel Your Gains With The Best Meal Prep for Bulking appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

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How to Meal Prep Eggs Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 YES! Get ready, because today we’re diving headfirst into the incredible world of eggs! These little gems are absolute powerhouses when it comes to packing a protein punch. But hold on tight, because we’re not just talking about plain ol’ scrambled eggs here. We’re talking about meal prepping eggs like a boss! Now, let me […]

The post How to Meal Prep Eggs appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

YES! Get ready, because today we’re diving headfirst into the incredible world of eggs! These little gems are absolute powerhouses when it comes to packing a protein punch. But hold on tight, because we’re not just talking about plain ol’ scrambled eggs here. We’re talking about meal prepping eggs like a boss!

Now, let me break it down for you. Meal prepping is the secret sauce that will revolutionize the way you eat. Picture this: a fridge stocked with delicious, ready-to-go meals that are not only nutritious but also ridiculously tasty. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, my friend, dream no more because we’re about to make it a reality.

Eggs are the superheroes of meal prep. They’re loaded with all the good stuff your body craves – protein, vitamins, and minerals. Plus, they are incredibly versatile. We’re talking about eggs that can be boiled, scrambled, baked, and more. It’s like having a whole squad of superheroes in your kitchen!

But here’s the best part – eggs are affordable and accessible. No need to break the bank to get your hands on these protein powerhouses. They’re available at your local grocery store, just waiting for you to whip them into something extraordinary.

So, buckle up and get ready to embark on this egg-citing journey. In this ultimate guide, we’ll show you how to master the art of meal-prepping eggs like a seasoned pro. And trust me, it’s not just about slapping some eggs in a pan. We’re going to walk you through essential tools, share time-saving tips, and provide you with the most tantalizing recipes from Fit Men Cook.

By the time we’re done here, you’ll be a meal-prepping maestro, impressing your friends and family with your culinary prowess. So, grab your apron, sharpen those knives, and get ready to unleash your inner chef. It’s time to take your taste buds on a wild and flavorful ride through the amazing world of eggs for meal prep. Let’s crack on!

Benefits of Meal-Prepping Eggs 

Picture this, folks: you’re in the midst of a hectic week, rushing from one commitment to another, with barely a moment to spare. Your stomach growls, reminding you that nourishment is essential for survival. But wait, you’ve got a secret weapon in your arsenal – meal prepped eggs!

Let me break it down for you and show you why meal prepping eggs is the ultimate game-changer.

  1. Eggs are a protein powerhouse. 

They deliver a mighty punch of muscle-building fuel that will keep you energized and satisfied throughout the day. By incorporating eggs into your meal prep routine, you’re ensuring that your body receives the essential amino acids it needs for optimal function. Say goodbye to those midday energy slumps and hello to sustained vitality!

  1. Meal prepping eggs saves you precious time and effort. 

Let’s face it, my busy friends – time is a scarce resource, and we often find ourselves scrambling to put together a decent meal. With eggs as your meal prep MVPs, you can bid farewell to frantic last-minute cooking sessions. Imagine having a stash of pre-boiled or pre-scrambled eggs at your disposal, ready to be transformed into a delicious meal within minutes. It’s like having a personal chef working behind the scenes, ensuring that you’re always one step away from a satisfying and nutritious feast.

  1. Don’t forget the cost-effectiveness. 

By meal-prepping eggs, you’re not only saving time but also saving some hard-earned cash. This may not have been as true in 2022 when eggs skyrocketed in price. But prices have come back down again. Eggs are incredibly affordable, making them an excellent choice for those looking to stretch their food budget without sacrificing nutrition or flavor. With just a few dollars, you can stock up on a dozen eggs that will keep you nourished throughout the week. That’s what I call a financial win!

  1. Let’s talk about versatility. 

Eggs are the chameleons of the culinary world, ready to adapt to any flavor profile you desire. Whether you’re craving a savory scrambled egg, a veggie-packed frittata, or a protein-rich salad topper, eggs have got your back. By incorporating meal-prepped eggs into your culinary repertoire, you open the door to a world of endless possibilities. Whip up a protein-packed breakfast egg bowl, toss them into a vibrant salad, or create a delectable egg sandwich to fuel your on-the-go adventures. With eggs, your meal prep game reaches new heights of culinary creativity.

  1. Meal prepping eggs helps you achieve your health and wellness goals. 

By taking control of your meals in advance, you’re ensuring that you make mindful and nutritious choices. No more succumbing to unhealthy fast food temptations or settling for lackluster meals. With meal-prepped eggs, you have the power to nourish your body with the goodness it deserves, helping you maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

The benefits of meal prepping eggs are clear – protein-packed fuel, time savings, cost-effectiveness, culinary versatility, and a path to achieving your health goals. It’s time to harness the power of eggs and elevate your meal prep game to new heights. Get ready to embark on an egg-citing journey of flavor and convenience, where mealtime becomes a moment of satisfaction and nourishment. Let’s crack open the possibilities and unlock the potential of meal-prepping eggs!

How to Meal Prep Eggs for Breakfast

Whether you’re boiling a batch of eggs for convenient grab-and-go snacks, scrambling them to enhance other recipes, or creating full meals that feature eggs, like a delicious quiche, we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through step-by-step instructions on how to master the art of prepping scrambled, boiled, fried eggs, and more. Get ready to save time, enhance your meal planning, and elevate your culinary creations to new heights.

2 Ways to Meal Prep Eggs 

Method 1: Prepping Eggs

Let’s start with the basics – cooking your eggs to perfection to eat on their own or to have on hand while cooking. Whether you prefer scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, or fried eggs, we’ll guide you through each technique so that you have a stash of perfectly cooked eggs ready to go. Here’s how:

Scrambled Eggs: 

Crack your eggs into a bowl and whisk them until well combined. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat, add a bit of oil or butter, and pour in the beaten eggs. Cook on the stovetop, stirring gently, until the eggs are softly set. Allow the scrambled eggs to cool completely before transferring them to airtight containers. Store them in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.

Boiled Eggs: 

Place your desired number of eggs in a saucepan and cover them with water. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and let the eggs simmer for about 9-12 minutes for hard-boiled or 6-8 minutes for medium-boiled. Once cooked, transfer the eggs to an ice bath to cool quickly. Peel the eggs and store them in the fridge in a container filled with water to keep them fresh and prevent them from drying out. Use them within a week for the best quality.

Fried Eggs: 

Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and add a small amount of oil or butter. Crack your eggs into the skillet, ensuring they are well-spaced. Cook eggs until the whites are set and the edges are crispy. Carefully transfer the fried eggs to a plate and let them cool before storing them in a container with a lid. Store them in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. It’s important to ensure they are fully cooled before sealing the container to prevent condensation.

These prepped eggs will become your go-to ingredient, saving you time and effort in the kitchen. They’re not only perfect for standalone meals but can also be incorporated into various recipes, adding a protein-packed punch to your culinary creations. 

Method 2: Prepping Meals that Feature Eggs

Now, let’s take your egg meal prep to the next level by prepping some full easy egg meals. These ready-to-eat creations will save you even more time and add variety to your weekly menu. Here are a few delicious options:

  1. Quiche: Indulge in a savory quiche filled with veggies, shredded cheese, and protein. Store the entire pie or wrap and store individual slices.
  2. Shakshuka: Embark on a fiery feast with this North African delight. Prepare a big batch, store in the fridge, and reheat for a taste explosion of tomatoes, peppers, and eggs.
  3. Egg Bake: Elevate the classic egg casserole with an egg bake. Layers of fluffy eggs, bacon, peppers, and cheese make for a flavor explosion. Bake it on a lazy Sunday and enjoy reheating in the microwave throughout the week.
  4. Breakfast Sandwiches: Savor portable bliss with perfectly cooked eggs, cheese, and bacon between slices of toast. Store them in the fridge or freezer for grab-and-go mornings.
  5. Frittata: Create a hearty frittata with a medley of veggies, cheese, and spices. Store whole or individual portions.
  6. Omelets: Customize your mornings with flavorful omelets filled with sautéed veggies and cheese. Cook to perfection and enjoy a delicious breakfast on the go.
  7. Egg Bites: Delight in bite-sized wonders by baking egg mixture in muffin tins. Personalize each egg cup with your favorite fillings for a meal prep game-changer.
  8. Egg Salad: Mix hard-boiled eggs with lite mayo, celery, onion, and mustard for a creamy delight. Enjoy it in sandwiches or as a dip with veggies.

With these meal prep options, you’ll have a diverse range of egg-based dishes ready to enhance your meals throughout the week. From quiches and frittatas to breakfast sandwiches and egg cups, you’ll experience a world of flavors and enjoy the convenience of having delicious, protein-rich meals at your fingertips. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Egg Meal Prep

meal prepping eggs

Can I meal prep eggs in advance?

Absolutely! Meal prepping eggs in advance is a brilliant way to save time and ensure you have a protein-packed option ready to go. You can prepare a variety of egg-based dishes ahead of time, such as crustless quiches, egg muffins, or frittatas. These can be cooked, portioned, and stored in the refrigerator or freezer. When you’re ready to enjoy them, simply reheat and savor the convenience of a delicious and nutritious meal.

How long do meal prep eggs last in the fridge? 

Cooked eggs can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to four days. Make sure to cool them completely before sealing them up. If you’re prepping raw eggs, it’s best to use them within two days. Label your containers with the date to keep track of freshness and enjoy your meal prepped eggs at their prime.

Can I freeze meal-prepped eggs?

Absolutely! Freezing meal-prepped eggs is a fantastic option to extend their shelf life and have a stash of ready-to-eat meals at your fingertips. Cooked egg dishes like quiches, egg muffins, or breakfast sandwiches can be portioned and stored in airtight containers or freezer-safe bags. When freezing raw eggs, crack them into a bowl and gently whisk them together. Pour the beaten eggs into an ice cube tray for individual portions or into freezer-safe containers. Label them with the date and freeze them. Your frozen eggs can be stored for up to three months, ensuring you always have a convenient meal option on hand.

How do I reheat meal-prepped eggs?

To reheat cooked egg dishes, preheat your oven to a moderate temperature, around 350°F. Place the dish in an oven-safe container, cover it with foil to prevent drying out, and warm it for about 15-20 minutes until heated through. Or you can use the microwave on a low power setting, heating in short bursts to avoid recooking the egg. Adjust the timing based on your microwave’s power.

How do I batch-cook scrambled eggs in the oven?

Preheat your oven to 350°F. In a mixing bowl, crack the desired number of eggs and whisk them until smooth and well combined. For a burst of flavor, add a splash of milk, a pinch of salt, and a sprinkle of pepper. Customize your sheet pan eggs by adding your favorite mix-ins such as shredded cheese, diced veggies, or even cooked bacon. Grease a baking sheet pan with cooking spray, then pour the egg mixture into the baking sheet. Pop it into the preheated oven and let the magic happen! Cook the eggs for around 15-20 minutes. Oven-baked scrambled eggs work especially well for cutting sandwich-sized eggs for breakfast sandwiches.

How do I batch-cook unscrambled eggs in the oven?

Preheat your oven to 350°F. Grease a muffin tin with a touch of cooking spray to ensure easy egg removal or use silicone muffin liners. Crack an egg into each individual muffin cup. Sprinkle your favorite seasonings like salt, pepper, or herbs over the eggs. And customize them with delicious toppings like cheese, bacon bits, or sautéed veggies. Once you’ve added your personal touch, eggs bake for approximately 12-15 minutes for a slightly runny yolk or 15-18 minutes for a fully set yolk. Remove them from the oven and let the baked eggs cool for a few minutes before carefully transferring them to airtight containers.

Customize Your Egg Meal Prep Ideas

With eggs as your canvas, the possibilities to customize your meal are endless, and we’re here to guide you through the journey. 

  1. Mix and Match Fillings.

Elevate your scrambled eggs, omelets, and frittatas by experimenting with an array of fillings. Whether it’s diced bell peppers, sautéed mushrooms, flavorful herbs, or crumbled feta cheese, each addition will add a burst of color, texture, and taste to your egg-based masterpieces. Don’t be afraid to blend sweet and savory elements for an unexpected twist. Think caramelized onions with goat cheese or berries with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Let your imagination guide you and create flavor combinations that will wow your palate.

  1. Spices and Seasonings Galore.

Spice up your egg prepping game by exploring the vast world of seasonings beyond the salt and pepper. From aromatic herbs like basil, thyme, and dill to bold spices like paprika, cumin, and chili powder, each dash will infuse your eggs with flair. Embrace the exotic with a sprinkle of garam masala or transport yourself to the Mediterranean with a pinch of za’atar. With a dash of creativity and the right blend of spices, you can transform a simple egg dish into a burst of flavor.

  1. Get Cheesy.

Indulge in cheese and take your egg creations to new heights. Whether it’s creamy goat cheese, sharp cheddar, or tangy feta, cheese has the power to elevate any egg-based dish. Crumble it, shred it, or melt it to perfection, and watch as it adds richness and depth to your meals. Sprinkle some grated Parmesan over your scrambled eggs, fold gooey mozzarella into your omelet, or let Swiss cheese melt over your frittata. The possibilities are as endless as the array of cheeses available. So go ahead, get cheesy, and savor the melty goodness in every bite.

  1. Play with Textures.

The texture is the secret ingredient that can take your egg meals from ordinary to extraordinary. Think beyond the soft and fluffy and explore different textures. Add a satisfying crunch with crispy bacon bits, toasted nuts, or breadcrumbs. Introduce a touch of creaminess with avocado slices, dollops of Greek yogurt, or silky hollandaise sauce. For a burst of freshness, top your creations with a sprinkle of microgreens, chopped herbs, or pomegranate arils. By incorporating a variety of textures, you’ll create a multi-dimensional experience of flavor.

Embrace the boundless possibilities that eggs offer and transform your meal-prepping routine.

​​Essential Tools and Tips for Meal Prep With Eggs

With these essential tools and savvy tips, you’ll be ready to conquer the realm of meal prepping eggs like seasoned pros. Get ready to dive into a world of sizzling skillets, perfectly poached wonders, and heavenly egg creations that will leave you craving for more. Let’s unlock the secrets and unleash the flavors of meal prepping eggs with finesse!

  1. The Reliable Non-Stick Pan: Your Trusty Sidekick

First things first, make sure you have a trusty non-stick pan by your side. This kitchen essential will prevent those dreaded egg-sticking mishaps and make cooking a breeze. Look for a high-quality, durable non-stick pan that can handle the heat and keep your eggs in their prime, effortlessly sliding onto your plate with a tantalizing sizzle.

  1. The Whisk: Whip It, Whip It Good

Next up, arm yourself with a whisk that knows how to get the job done. A sturdy whisk will help you achieve that perfect blend of creamy yolks and fluffy whites, turning your eggs into a masterpiece of texture and taste. 

  1. The Handy Storage Containers: Your Egg Sanctuary

To truly conquer the world of meal prepping eggs, you’ll need a collection of reliable storage containers. These handy vessels will keep your prepped eggs fresh and ready for action throughout the week. Look for containers that are microwave-safe, easy to clean, and ideally compartmentalized to keep different egg preparations separate. With your egg sanctuary at the ready, you’ll have convenient, grab-and-go meals that fuel your journey to culinary greatness.

  1. Season with Flavor: Spices, Herbs, and More

Don’t settle for bland eggs – let your creativity run wild with a medley of flavors. Experiment with a variety of spices, herbs, and seasonings to elevate your meal-prepped eggs to new heights of deliciousness. A dash of paprika adds a smoky kick, while fresh herbs like chives or basil lend a vibrant touch. Get adventurous with chili flakes, garlic powder, or even a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. The possibilities are endless – let your taste buds be your guide.

  1. Mix and Match: Versatility Unleashed

Last but not least, embrace the power of mix and match. Don’t limit yourself to one egg preparation – let your creativity soar by combining different styles and ingredients. Blend scrambled eggs with sautéed veggies, wrap them in a tortilla, and voilà – a breakfast burrito to kick-start your day. Crumble boiled eggs into a salad for a protein-packed lunch, or layer them on whole-grain bread for a hearty sandwich. With meal-prepped eggs, your culinary canvas knows no bounds.

So there you have it, the essential tools and savvy tips to conquer the art of meal prepping eggs. Embrace the time-saving magic of prepping ahead, infuse your eggs with tantalizing flavors, and let your creativity run wild. With these tools and tips in your arsenal, you’ll become the maestro of meal-prepped eggs, dazzling your palate and nourishing your body with every bite. 

Now That You Know Eggs Can Be Meal Prepped.

Get Cooking!

Get started now meal prepping eggs with these Fit Men Cook egg recipes:

can i meal prep eggs

Steak & Egg Strata Frittata Muffin

High Protein and Low Carb Egg, Yam & Cheese Breakfast

Egg & Turkey Stuffed Poblano

Egg White, Asparagus and Brown Rice & Quinoa Frittata

Creamy Scrambled Egg Stuffed Bell Pepper with Veggies

Bacon & Egg Stuffed Sweet Potato

Turkey Wrapped Potato & Egg Breakfast Muffins

Roasted Veggies & Egg Scramble

Check out more healthy meal prep ideas.

The post How to Meal Prep Eggs appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

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How to Make Oats Overnight + 14 Easy Breakfast Recipes Mon, 12 Jun 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Ready to crush the breakfast game with some seriously satisfying eats? Let’s chat overnight oats!  Now… I know oats might not be the most macho ingredient in your kitchen, but let me tell you, these bad boys can be a game-changer for your morning routine. On my own journey to find the perfect fuel to […]

The post How to Make Oats Overnight + 14 Easy Breakfast Recipes appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

Ready to crush the breakfast game with some seriously satisfying eats? Let’s chat overnight oats! 

Now… I know oats might not be the most macho ingredient in your kitchen, but let me tell you, these bad boys can be a game-changer for your morning routine.

On my own journey to find the perfect fuel to kickstart my day, I’ve stumbled upon the magic of oats in a variety of recipes. And the easy overnight oats meal prep method is a no-fuss, no-cook way to deliver a bowl of pure deliciousness with minimal effort. 

So, whether you’re a gym enthusiast looking for a protein-packed brekkie, you’re busy hustling through the day and need a quick-breakfast hack, or you’re just someone who wants to crush your healthy eating goals, I’ve got your back. I’ll be dishing out some killer recipes and pro tips to help you level up your breakfast game with some epic meal prep skills. So, grab your apron, and let’s dive into the world of easy overnight oats! Get ready to fuel up and conquer the day like a boss. 

What are Overnight Oats?

If you’re new to the world of overnight oats, let me break it down for you. It’s a hassle-free way of making oatmeal without any cooking involved. Instead of cooking oats on the stovetop or in the microwave, you simply soak raw oats with a liquid like almond milk. This soaking process allows the oats to absorb the liquid and soften, resulting in a creamy and delicious bowl or jar of “oatmeal” the next morning.

The best part is that you can easily customize your overnight oat base with whatever flavors you like. Add in your favorite mix-ins like fruits, nuts, seeds, or sweeteners to create your own unique flavor combinations. The consistency of overnight oats is similar to a thick porridge or pudding, making it a convenient and satisfying make-ahead breakfast option.

In addition to their deliciousness, eating overnight oats also offer numerous health benefits. Oats are packed with protein, containing 5 grams per serving, which is higher than most grains. They’re also an excellent source of fiber, with 4 grams per serving, helping you feel fuller for longer and aiding in digestion. Plus, oats are nutrient-dense, leaving you feeling more satiated and energized throughout the day. So why not give overnight oats a try? They’re a tasty and nutritious way to start your day!

Ingredients Needed Overnight Oats

To whip up a batch of delicious overnight oats, you’ll need a few key ingredients. While rolled oat and milk are the basic ingredients, I like to add a few extra elements to boost the flavor and nutrition. And with tons of amazing recipes, you can keep oats interesting day after day.

Here are some of the basic building blocks. But check out the recipes below for more detailed ingredient lists.

  1. Oats: Go for plain old-fashioned oats, not quick oats or steelcut oats. Rolled oats are perfect for achieving the best consistency.
  2. Milk: While you can use water as the liquid, milk adds creaminess and richness. Choose from options like cow’s milk, soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, or oat milk.
  3. Chia seeds: These tiny powerhouses are packed with nutrition and add a delightful pudding-like texture to the oats.
  4. Greek or vegan yogurt: For a tangy flavor and protein boost, consider adding some Greek or vegan yogurt to the mix.
  5. Extracts: Enhance the flavors of your overnight oats with a splash of vanilla extract for a touch of sweetness without any added sweeteners. Or try other extracts like almond, coconut, peppermint, or lemon.
  6. Sweetener: If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add maple syrup or honey to the mixture to complement the natural flavors of oats. Also try other natural sweeteners.
  7. Protein powder: Boost the protein content of your overnight oats by adding your favorite protein powder. Choose a flavor that complements your other ingredients for a delicious and nutritious addition. Also try collagen powder or other dietary boosts.
  8. Mix-ins: Fresh fruits, dried fruits, nut butters, nuts, seeds, coconut flakes, cacao nibs, cocoa powder, espresso powder, granola, chocolate chips, citrus juice and zest, and spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, or pumpkin spice are all excellent options to customize your overnight oats and make them uniquely yours.

With these simple ingredients, you can create a versatile and delicious base recipe for your overnight oats. Now it’s time to get playful with your favorite toppings and create your own perfect bowl of overnight oats bliss!

Overnight Oats Ratio

Getting that creamy consistency for your overnight oats is all about finding the perfect balance. If you’re building your own recipe from scratch, try starting with an oats base of equal parts oats and milk.

Mix-ins like chia seeds or fruit will all either take away from or add to the liquid, so experiment with your mix-ins and preferred thickness until you get it just right.

How Long Do Overnight Oats Need to Sit?

Patience is key when it comes to perfecting your overnight oats game. The soaking time is crucial for achieving that luscious, creamy texture that we all crave. Generally, overnight oats need to soak for at least 4 hours in the refrigerator to allow the oats to fully absorb the liquid and soften to perfection. Most people make up a jar before bed and soak it overnight. And some folks prefer to let them soak for a full 24 hours for an even creamier consistency. It all comes down to personal preference and desired texture. But with only 10 minutes of prep time, you can quickly get a batch in the fridge and forget about it till the next day.

How to Make Oats Overnight and Keep Them Fresh?

A basic recipe can last about a week in the fridge. But you should probably eat overnight oats recipes with fruit within about 3 days.

Mix, Soak, and Enjoy these Recipes:

Whether you’re a fan of the classic combinations or crave unique mix-ins, we’ve got you covered with a few easy overnight oats recipe options and other oat-based breakfast meal prep. From fruity flavors to nutty indulgences, these recipes for overnight oats are perfect for busy mornings. 

Banana Pudding Overnight Oats

how long do overnight oats need to sit

Ingredients for 3 servings

Fruit on Bottom:

  • 2 small bananas, sliced


  • 1 1/2 cups 2% cottage cheese
  • 1 1/2 cups almond milk (or banana milk)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract (optional)
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 banana* 

(*Note: you can omit 1 banana if you use banana milk instead of almond milk – this will reduce the carb count)


  • 1 1/2 cups raw oats
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 3 tablespoons of your favorite granola (preferably one with vanilla flavor)


  1. For the fruit on the bottom, set a nonstick skillet on medium high heat. Once hot, spray and add banana slices.
  2. Cook until the outside edges sear and become caramel-like, about 4-6 minutes. Then set aside to completely cool.
  3. Add the ingredients for the “Cream” (cottage cheese, almond milk, vanilla, cinnamon, and banana) to a high powered blender. Process until smooth.
  4. In a large mixing bowl, mix the cream with the oats and chia seeds.
  5. To a jar or container, add a tablespoon of granola on bottom, top with caramelized bananas and add the oats on top. Sprinkle it with cinnamon (or your favorite spice).
  6. Then cover/close and place in the fridge overnight or at least 4 hours.
  7. You may need to add some more milk (or water) to it in the AM if it is too thick. Enjoy!

Peach Cobbler Overnight Oats With Chia

how to do overnight oats

Ingredients for 4 servings

Fruit on Bottom:

  • 2 cups frozen peaches
  • juice from 1 orange
  • cinnamon to taste


  • 1 1/2 cups almond milk
  • 2 cups 2% cottage cheese (Subs: 2 cups Greek yogurt or 2 scoops of your favorite protein powder with additional almond milk)
  • 1 date (Subs: 1 tablespoon honey or agave; or 1 teaspoon stevia in the raw)
  • 1/4 cup frozen peaches


  • 2 cups raw oats
  • 3 tablespoons chia seeds


  1. For the fruit on the bottom, set a nonstick skillet on medium high heat. Once hot, spray with cooking spray and add the frozen peaches. 
  2. Cover and cook until the peaches are thawed and seared along the edges. 
  3. Remove the top, squeeze in fresh OJ and sprinkle in cinnamon.  
  4. Reduce the heat to low, then cover and cook for 2-3 more minutes until a natural syrup forms.  
  5. Then begin chopping up the peach slices with a spatula in the skillet.
  6. In a blender, add the ingredients for the “cream” (almond milk, cottage cheese, date, and peaches) and process until smooth.
  7. In a large mixing bowl add the oats, chia seeds, and the cream and stir to combine.
  8. Grab 4 jars or your meal containers and evenly divide the fruit confit to the bottom of the containers.
  9. Then top with oats & cream mix, seal with a lid, and set aside in the fridge overnight or at least 4 hours.
  10. If the mixture is too thick in the morning, simply add tablespoons of plant based milk to thin it out. Enjoy!

Quinoa Overnight Oats

how to make overnight steel cut oats

Ingredients for 3 servings

  • 2 medium bananas
  • 3 tablespoons nut butter
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 cup cooked quinoa
  • 5 cup rolled oats
  • 3 cup almond milk
  • 3 tbsp Pepitas (pumpkin seeds: adds ~2g of protein per serving)


  1. Add banana to a mixing bowl and roughly mash up the banana using a fork. 
  2. Then add the nut butter and mix them together.
  3. Add remaining ingredients and mix well.
  4. Evenly divide between 3 jars and place in the fridge overnight to thicken. Enjoy!

Starbucks Copycat – NO Sugar Added Strawberry Overnight Grains

how to make steel cut oats overnight

Ingredients for 3 servings

Fruit on Bottom:

  • 1 teaspoon butter OR avocado oil
  • 1 1/2 cups frozen or fresh strawberries
  • juice from 1 orange
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon


  • 92g soft tofu (Subs: 1 cup 2% cottage cheese)
  • 1/2 cup strawberries (frozen or fresh)
    • 1 date (Subs: 2 tablespoons either coconut sugar, stevia in the raw, or maple)
  • 2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk (or choice of milk)


  • 3/4 cup uncooked steel cut oats
  • 1/2 cup cooked quinoa
  • 3 tablespoons chia seeds


  1. Fill a medium-size bowl with room temperature water and dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt.  Add the strawberries and set aside for 10 minutes while you prep the “cream” and oats.
  2. To a blender add the ingredients for the “cream” and process until smooth. Set aside.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, add the oats, quinoa, and chia seeds. Mix with a fork, then pour in the “cream” and stir with a spatula. Set aside.
  4. Drain the water from the bowl of strawberries. Set a non-stick skillet on medium high heat. Once hot, add the butter (or oil) and the strawberries. Cook until the berries begin to burst and create their own natural jam, about 6-8 minutes. Then sprinkle in cinnamon and squeeze in the juice from 1 orange to help caramelize the strawberries. Cook for an additional 2-3 minutes.
  5. To your meal container or jar add the berry compote then top with the “cream.” 
  6. Place in the fridge overnight (or for at least 4 hours). 
  7. You may need a few tablespoons of almond milk in the morning in case the grains have gotten too thick.
  8. The prepped oats can last about 1.5 weeks in the fridge or for several months in the freezer. Enjoy!

Other Overnight Oats Recipes:

While overnight oats are the most popular breakfast meal prep, get ready to blow your taste buds away with these super simple make-ahead oatmeal breakfasts for busy mornings.

Instant Pot Fruit-On-The-Bottom Protein Oats Meal Prep

overnight oats how to

Ingredients for 5 servings

Fruit on Bottom (compote):

  • 2 1/2 cups choice of frozen berries (I used frozen strawberries & cherries)
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon coconut sugar 
  • Raw sugar, honey, or agave as needed (save for final assembly in jars)

Oatmeal (part 1):

  • 2 cups raw old-fashioned rolled oats (gluten-free)
  • 3 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or your choice of plant or cow milk)

Oatmeal (part 2):

  • 1/4 cup ground flaxseed
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric
  • 2 scoops lean vanilla whey protein (OPTIONAL recommended)
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or your choice of plant or cow milk)


  1. Spray the inside of the Instant Pot or pressure cooker with olive oil or cooking spray.
  2. Add the oats and almond milk. No need to give it a stir, but you can if you want.
  3. Set the pressure cooker to HIGH and set the time for 3 minutes. After it finishes the cooking cycle, allow the pressure to naturally release for 15-20 minutes so the oats are pretty creamy.
  4. While the oats are cooking, set a carbon steel skillet on medium heat. Once hot, add the ingredients for the fruit compote (berries, lemon juice, and coconut sugar). Stir and bring to a light simmer. 
  5. Once the fruit thaws it will be pretty mushy. Use the back of the spatula to gently mash the fruit in the skillet as it cooks. 
  6. Reduce the heat and continue cooking until all the fruit has been thawed and mashed, about 5-7 minutes.
  7. To the pot of oats, add flaxseed, spices, protein powder, and more almond milk (as needed). Stir the oats and add milk as needed for consistency.
  8. Allow both the oats and the fruit compote to cool before adding to meal prep containers. 
  9. Evenly divide the fruit compote among the jars, placing it on the bottom. Top it off with oats. For EACH individual serving, you can add a serving of raw sugar, honey, or agave as needed.  
  10. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days. I would not recommend freezing this oat recipe.

Quick Peach Cobbler Baked Oats

how to overnight oats

Ingredients for 5 servings

Fruit on Bottom:

  • 2 tablespoons butter (vegan) 
  • 3 cups sliced peach (~3 medium peaches)
  • 1/3 cup coconut sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • pinch of sea salt

Oatmeal (dry):

  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric

Oatmeal (wet):

  • 1¼  cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk (I used Vanilla Breeze)
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten (Vegan Subs: flax egg)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


  1. Set oven to 400F.
  2. Set a nonstick skillet on medium heat. Once hot, add butter and melt. Then add the peaches, sugar, lemon zest, juice, cinnamon, and pinch of sea salt.  
  3. Simmer and cook for 4-6 minutes until the peaches are caramelized.
  4. While the peaches are cooking, mix the dry ingredients together in a baking dish or dutch oven. 
  5. In a separate bowl, mix almond milk, egg and olive oil together. 
  6. Add wet ingredients to the baking dish and mix. Fold in the peaches and mix well. If the mixture is too  thick, simply add a tablespoon of almond milk to thin it out. If it is too wet/thin, add a few tablespoons of rolled oats.
  7. Cover and bake for 25-30 minutes. Remove the lid (or foil covering) for the final 3-5 minutes of cooking.
  8. Allow to cool then evenly divide in meal prep containers.  
  9. You can gently warm this up in the microwave each morning, but I advise adding about 1/4 cup of almond milk to the bowl before microwaving.  
  10. Enjoy with a serving of Greek yogurt for a boost of protein.

Apple Crumble Breakfast Meal Prep

how to eat overnight oats

Ingredients for 4 servings

Fruit Filling:

  • 4 medium tart apples, peeled and cut into 1/4 inch cubes (I like Granny Smith apples)
  • 2 medjool dates, finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp coconut sugar
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 tbsp arrowroot
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • Pinch salt

Crumble Topping:

  • 1 cup whole rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon 
  • Pinch salt


  • 1 cup nonfat plain greek yogurt


  1. Preheat your oven to 350F. Prep EITHER four 12-ounce oven-safe jars or an 8×8″ baking dish.
  2. Add all of the fruit filling ingredients into a medium bowl and mix to combine. Transfer the filling into the baking dish(es). 
  3. In the same bowl, add the oats, walnuts, coconut sugar, cinnamon, and salt and mix to combine. 
  4. Lastly, add in the coconut oil and mix until evenly distributed. 
  5. Add the crumble over the apple filling.
  6. Place the dish(es) into the oven for 25-30 minutes or until the apples are soft and the crumble topping turns golden brown.
  7. Remove from the oven and let cool for 30 minutes before serving.
  8. Once cool, dollop with greek yogurt. Store extras in the fridge for up to 5 days and enjoy cold or warm.

Quinoa Granola

how long does overnight oats need to sit

Ingredients for ~20 servings (3 tablespoons per serving)


  • 1 cup raw almonds, chopped
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa
  • 4 tablespoons avocado oil or olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons maple syrup
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 teaspoons nutmeg
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon

Optional Topping:

  • 2 tablespoons coconut sugar


  1. Set oven to 350F.
  2. In a bowl, mix together all of the ingredients (except the coconut sugar), ensuring every piece is covered in oil and maple. 
  3. Spread out the mixture on a nonstick baking tray.  
  4. Sprinkle the coconut sugar on top.
  5. Bake for 10 minutes and then mix the granola to ensure even baking.
  6. Bake for an additional 10-15 minutes, until golden brown.
  7. Once the cooking cycle has ended, allow the granola to cool on the baking tray until room temperature.  Then break it up with your hands. Store it in an airtight container in a dry place for up to 1 month. Enjoy!

Quarantine Cooking – Homemade Chocolate Granola Cereal with Almond Butter

how to make overnight oats with almond milk

Ingredients for ~15 servings (1/3 cup per serving)

Oatmeal (dry):

  • 4 cups raw gluten-free oats
  • 1/3 cup dark chocolate powder (unsweetened)
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened cacao nibs (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt

Oatmeal (wet):

  • 1/2 cup raw natural almond butter (Subs: your choice of any natural nut butter – just make sure there’s oil – I used crunchy almond butter)
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup olive oil (Subs: avocado oil or coconut oil)
  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


  1. Set oven to 350F.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together the dry ingredients.
  3. In another bowl, mix the wet ingredients until smooth.
  4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well until EVERY oat is covered in the mixture.
  5. Line a large baking tray with parchment paper. Add the oats and spread them out in the pan.
  6. Bake for 20-22 minutes total, STIRRING HALFWAY through. This is important to do – remember to take the granola out the oven halfway through and stir it up using a spatula, then spread it back out and continue baking.
  7. Once finished baking (and while your house smells amazing!), allow granola to cool outside of the oven.
  8. Once the granola has nearly cooled down (after about 10 minutes), sprinkle in the chocolate chips. TIP:  The granola should not be so hot that it immediately melts the chocolate. Touch the granola with your finger before adding the chocolate. If it’s still too warm to the touch, wait to add the chocolate.  
  9. Stir the granola with the chocolate chips and then allow everything to cool down to room temperature.  You can also put the granola on a cool baking tray and place it in the fridge for 10-15 minutes to help it cool with the chocolate.
  10. Store the granola in an airtight container for up to 2 months at room temperature, or in the fridge to last even longer.
  11. Enjoy it as cereal or as a parfait.

Pr-Oat-Ein Breakfast Cookies

how to make oats overnight

Ingredients for 8 servings

Oatmeal (dry):

  • 2 cups uncooked old-fashioned oats (NOT instant)
  • 2 scoops vanilla whey isolate protein (Note: I recommend adding ~50g of flavored protein because it’s usually lightly sweetened and you can use less sugar/honey while still enjoying a sweet flavor)
  • 1/4 cup wheat flour (Subs: oat flour, sorghum flour, fine almond flour)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

Oatmeal (wet):

  • 1 egg
  • 4oz (123g) unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/2 cup almond butter (Subs: peanut butter or cashew butter)
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey (Note: I used the Manuka honey with 75% bee pollen for the added health benefits but regular raw honey is just fine and more affordable)

Optional (Recommended!) Flavorings:

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 dried cherries (or your choice of naturally dried fruit)
  • 3 tablespoons dark chocolate (sweetened by Stevia, not sugar, in order to keep sugar calories lower)


  1. Set oven to 350F.
  2. Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl.
  3. Mix wet ingredients together in a separate bowl (including vanilla, if using).
  4. Add wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Toss in any dried fruit or dark chocolate and mix together.
  5. Evenly divide the batter using a spoon or scoop onto a baking sheet lined with parchment or silicone baking mat, then gently mash down on each circle since the cookies will not rise too much in the oven.
  6. Bake for no more than 8 minutes, then allow them to cool on a towel or a cooling rack. They will harden and become chewy as they cool.

Berry Oatmeal Bake

how to prepare overnight oats

Ingredients for 8 servings

Fruit on Bottom:

  • 3 cups berries (Frozen or fresh: I used 1½ cups frozen blueberries and 1½ cups frozen raspberries)

Oatmeal (wet):

  • 2 whole eggs
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk (or your preferred low fat or non-dairy milk)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons flax oil (or melted coconut oil)

Oatmeal (dry):

  • 2 cups uncooked rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans (or your choice of nut)
  • 3 tablespoons Swerve (Subs: 1 tablespoon Stevia in the raw, 1/4 cup coconut sugar, or 1/8 cup raw cane sugar)
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon allspice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric* (optional)


  • cinnamon
  • Greek yogurt


  1. Set oven to 400F.
  2. In a bowl, mix together the dry ingredients and set aside.
  3. In another bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients.
  4. Spray a baking dish or cast iron skillet with baking spray and add about half of the berries to the skillet.  
  5. Pour the dry mixture over the berries and use a spatula to ensure the dry mixture is spread evenly throughout the pan.
  6. Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients and tap the baking dish or skillet to ensure the wet ingredients completely cover the dry ingredients. Use a spatula to lightly pat down areas where the dry ingredients are not covered by the wet ingredients.  
  7. Then add the rest of the berries on top.
  8. Place in the oven and bake for 30 minutes or until you can pierce it with a toothpick and it comes out clean (minus the berries) and the edges and top of the bake are golden brown.
  9. Allow it to cool before slicing.  
  10. Garnish and enjoy with a moderate serving of Greek yogurt or your favorite lean protein shake.

Hi-Energy, Homemade Quinoa Granola

how to prep overnight oats

Ingredients for ~24 servings (1/4 cup per serving)

Oatmeal (dry):

  • 5 cup uncooked rolled oats 
  • 1 cup chopped almonds
  • 1/3 cup chopped walnuts
  • 2 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup cranberries

Optional Oatmeal Ingredients (dry):

  • 1/3 cup uncooked quinoa
  • 1/3 cup chopped pistachios
  • 1 tablespoon flax seeds
  • 1 tablespoon maca powder

Oatmeal (wet):

  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup organic, raw honey


  1. Set oven to 300F.
  2. If you purchased raw, whole nuts, break them into coarse pieces using a mallet (or similar object). You can also try to carefully pulse-blend the nuts in a blender or food processor, just be careful not to pulverize them.
  3. In a bowl, dump all of the dry ingredients (including optional ingredients of your choice) and mix together. 
  4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry mixture and mix. If either the coconut oil or the honey is hard, simply microwave for a few seconds and then add it to the other ingredients.
  5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and dump the granola mixture on to it. Spread it out evenly using a spatula and pat it down so that it is packed in tightly.
  6. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes at 300F.
  7. Once it has finished baking, allow it to cool to about room temperature before breaking it apart.
  8. Grab the parchment paper by the ends and the granola should peel off the paper.
  9. Store the granola in an airtight container to preserve the freshness. I’ve had granola last for up to 1 month, depending on the type of container. Making granola with fresh ingredients – such as fruit – will reduce the amount of time the granola will stay fresh.

Breakfast Berry Cobbler

how to make overnight oats with protein powder

Ingredients for 1 serving

Fruit on Bottom:

  • 1/4 cup blueberries
  • 1/8 cup blackberries
  • 1/8 cup raspberries
  • juice from 1/2 clementine


  • 1/4 cup dry, uncooked oats (I used Purely Elizabeth Ancient Grain because I love the crunch of the quinoa)
  • 2 tbsp vanilla isolate whey protein (I used Labrada ISO Lean Pro)
  • 1 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil


  1. Set oven to 350F.
  2. In a jar, add blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and fresh orange juice.
  3. In a bowl, mix oats, protein powder, coconut sugar, cinnamon and coconut oil.
  4. Add the oat mixture on top of the fruit in the jar.
  5. Spray with coconut oil and bake for 25 minutes at 350F.

Hi-Energy Flourless Almond Butter & Oat Muffins

how to make healthy overnight oats

Ingredients for 6 servings

Oatmeal (dry):

  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 1 tsp baking powder

Oatmeal (wet):

  • 1 banana
  • 4 dates
  • 1/3 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 cup almond butter

Optional (Recommended!) Flavorings:

  • 1/3 cup goji berries
  • 1/3 cup dark chocolate


  1. Set oven to 315F.
  2. In a bowl, mix the baking powder with the rolled oats.
  3. In a food processor, combine the ripe banana, dates, almond milk, and almond butter. Blend until smooth.
  4. Stir the banana mixture into the bowl with the oats, and mix well.
  5. If using, fold in the goji berries and dark chocolate chips for added flavor.
  6. Spray a muffin pan with cooking spray to prevent sticking.
  7. Evenly divide the batter between each of the muffin cups.
  8. Bake for 15 minutes or until the muffins are golden brown.
  9. Remove from the oven and allow them to cool for a couple of minutes in the pan, then transfer the muffins to a wire rack to finish cooling.

These oatmeal recipes make great healthy breakfasts or snacks between meals when you need an energy boost. Some of these recipes even store well in the freezer so you always have a healthy option on hand.

If you love these recipes, be sure to check out the Fitmen app for more healthy meal ideas, including sweets and snacks to keep you energized throughout the day. Don’t forget to share your impressions with us by commenting down below, tagging me on social media, or sending an email. Your feedback is important to us! Enjoy your delicious and nutritious oats, and have a great day staying fit!

The post How to Make Oats Overnight + 14 Easy Breakfast Recipes appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

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The Ultimate Grocery List for Meal Prep Fri, 09 Jun 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Are you feeling overwhelmed by the idea of meal prep? Trust me, I know how you feel. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back!  As someone who has struggled with maintaining a healthy diet in the past, I’ve discovered that meal prep is the key to success. And the first step to successful, healthy meal […]

The post The Ultimate Grocery List for Meal Prep appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the idea of meal prep? Trust me, I know how you feel. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back! 

As someone who has struggled with maintaining a healthy diet in the past, I’ve discovered that meal prep is the key to success. And the first step to successful, healthy meal prep is creating a grocery list.

That’s why I’m here to help you create an easy meal prep grocery list that will make your life so much easier. No more wandering aimlessly through the aisles, unsure of what to buy. 

We’ll start in the produce section and choose the freshest fruits and veggies that will keep you feeling energized and full throughout the day.

Next, we’ll head to the center aisles to stock up on all the necessary grains, spices, and sauces that will add flavor and variety to your meals. 

And finally, we’ll grab some protein and refrigerator items, making sure to save the coldest items for the end of our shopping run so they stay fresh until you can get to the kitchen.

But let’s not forget the most important part of meal prep – the food! I’ll be sharing some of my favorite recipes for meal prepping that are not only delicious but also packed with the nutrients your body needs.

So, don’t let the idea of meal prep overwhelm you any longer. With a meal prep plan and a little bit of preparation, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier, happier you!

Getting Started with Your Healthy Meal Prep Grocery List

Before we hit the grocery store, here are a few tips to keep in mind to help reduce stress, save money, and stock your kitchen with all of the ingredients you’ll need.

Tips for a Cheap Meal Prep Grocery List

  1. Plan your meals ahead of time: Before you go grocery shopping, decide what meals you want to cook for the week. This will help you make a good list and find everything you need at the store.
  2. Choose a designated day for grocery shopping: Pick a day of the week to do your grocery shopping. This will help you remember to do it every week, and it will make meal prep a regular part of your routine.
  3. Check your pantry and fridge before you go: Take a look at what you already have at home before you go to the store. This will help you avoid buying things you already have and save you money.
  4. Write out your grocery lists: Make a list of everything you need before you go to the store. Meal prep with a grocery list in hand will help you remember what you need and make your trip quicker and easier.
  5. Buy in bulk: Buying big bags of things like rice, beans, and nuts can save you money in the long run. Look for things that you use a lot and buy them in big bags.
  6. Look for sales and discounts: Keep an eye out for deals on things you buy a lot or things that are in season. This can help you save money and try new things.
  7. Choose a variety of ingredients: Try to buy things that you can use in more than one meal. This will help you make the most of what you buy and save you money.
  8. Don’t forget about snacks: Get some healthy snacks like fruit, veggies, and nuts to eat between meals. This will help you stay full and have energy throughout the day.
  9. Invest in quality storage containers: Get some good containers to keep your meals in, like glass containers and stainless steel containers. This will make it easier to store them in the fridge or freezer and reheat them later.

With these tips, you’ll be set for a successful meal prep and grocery list!

Tips for Kitchen Tools on Your Grocery List for Healthy Meal Prep

cheap meal prep grocery list

When it comes to meal prepping, having the right kitchen tools can make all the difference. From sharp knives to sturdy cutting boards, these essentials can save you time and frustration in the kitchen. If you’re just starting out, don’t worry about buying everything at once. You can slowly build up your collection of cooking tools by adding one quality item to your grocery list each week.

Here are some kitchen tools to consider adding to your weekly meal prep grocery list:

  • A sharp chef’s knife
  • Cutting boards (plastic or wood)
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Mixing bowls
  • Vegetable peeler
  • Sheet pan and oven-safe dishes
  • Tongs or spatulas
  • Muffin tins

Investing in higher-priced tools can make meal prep even more efficient. Consider adding these tools to your collection when you’re ready to take your meal prep game to the next level:

  • Food processor
  • High-quality blender
  • Instant Pot or pressure cooker
  • Air Fryer
  • Cast iron skillet
  • Kitchen scale

When choosing your kitchen tools, look for items that are durable, easy to clean, and fit your cooking needs. With these essentials on hand, you’ll be well on your way to making delicious and healthy meals in no time!

Creating the PERFECT Weekly Meal Prep and Grocery List

Are you ready to start meal prepping like a pro? Planning ahead and creating a grocery list is a crucial first step. So, let’s dive into a list of individual grocery items that can help make meal prep easier and more efficient. 

Keep in mind that not all of these items may fit your personal dietary needs or preferences, so it’s important to choose the ones that work for you. And the quantity of each item should be based on your meal plan and the number of people you’re cooking for. Take some time to review the list and select the items that fit your specific needs to create the perfect grocery list for your meal prep routine.

Choose Your Produce

A well-stocked produce list is a must-have! Here are some recommended items to add to your grocery list. When it comes to meal prep, choosing the right produce is crucial for making the process efficient, cost-effective, and enjoyable. It’s important to select items that are versatile, long-lasting, and easy to prepare. Also, buying a variety of fruits and vegetables gives you a balanced and nutritious diet. This list provides a range of options with descriptions and benefits to help you choose which produce will work best for your meal prep needs.

  • Apples: Rich in fiber and vitamin C, and may help lower the risk of heart disease and improve digestion.
  • Avocados: A great source of healthy fats and fiber, and perfect for topping salads or using in guacamole.
  • Bananas: High in potassium, which can help regulate blood pressure and is a good source of fiber and vitamin C.
  • Bell Peppers: Prep and keep well in the fridge, and can be used in a variety of dishes, from stir-fry to salads to fajitas.
  • Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, and may help improve brain function and protect against chronic diseases.
  • Broccoli: High in vitamins and fiber, and easy to prepare with a quick steam or oven roast.
  • Brussels sprouts: Another nutritious and delicious veggie that can be roasted or sautéed for a flavorful side dish.
  • Carrots: Can be eaten raw or cooked, and are a good source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Cucumbers: Refreshing and low in calories, they make a great addition to salads or as a snack on their own.
  • Grapes: Contain antioxidants and may help protect against certain types of cancer and improve heart health.
  • Green Beans: A versatile and tasty veggie that can be sautéed, steamed, or roasted.
  • Green Onions: A flavorful addition to many dishes, including salads, stir-fries, and soups.
  • Herbs (cilantro, basil, mint, parsley): Fresh herbs add a burst of flavor to any dish and are a great source of antioxidants.
  • Kale: A budget-friendly meal prep green that holds up well in the fridge even when pre-dressed, and can be eaten raw or sautéed.
  • Kiwi: A good source of vitamin C and fiber, and may help improve digestion and boost the immune system.
  • Leeks: A flavorful member of the onion family that can be used in soups, stews, and other dishes.
  • Lettuces (butter, bibb, romaine, arugula, cabbage, etc.): A staple for salads, wraps, and lettuce cups, and available in a variety of types for different tastes.
  • Mango: Rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and antioxidants, and may help improve skin health and boost immune function.
  • Onions: Used in a variety of recipes and can be stored for a long time in a cool, dark place.
  • Oranges: High in vitamin C and other antioxidants, and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve heart health.
  • Peppers (bell, jalapeños, or serranos): Versatile and flavorful, and great for adding a kick to any dish.
  • Pineapple: Contains digestive enzymes that may help improve digestion, and a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • Pre-shredded slaw: Convenient and easy to use, and won’t wilt in the fridge.
  • Radishes: A crunchy and refreshing addition to salads and tacos, and a good source of vitamin C.
  • Spinach: A nutrient-dense green that can be eaten raw or sautéed, and a great addition to smoothies.
  • Strawberries: Packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, and may help improve heart health and reduce inflammation.
  • Squash and Zucchini: Can be grilled, sautéed, or roasted, and a good source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Sweet Potatoes: Can be eaten for breakfast, as a side dish, or in a variety of dishes, and a good source of fiber and vitamins.
  • Tomatoes: A versatile and flavorful ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes, including salads, soups, and pasta sauces.
  • Watermelon: High in water content and a good source of vitamin C, and may help improve hydration and lower the risk of chronic diseases.

Remember, fresh produce is key for salads, wraps, and grain bowl toppings, while pre-cut and bagged veggies are convenient for quick meals.

Add Pantry Staples

Pantry items are a staple in any kitchen, and having a well-stocked pantry can make meal planning and preparation a breeze. Here are some grocery options to consider for your pantry:


  • Quinoa: A great source of protein and fiber.
  • Brown rice: A nutritious whole grain that is easy to cook.
  • Farro: A versatile grain that can be used in salads, soups, or as a side dish.
  • Oats: A heart-healthy whole grain that can be used in baking or as a breakfast cereal.

Seeds and Nuts:

  • Chia: A good source of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.
  • Almonds, cashews, etc.: A healthy snack or a crunchy addition to salads, stir-fries, and baked goods.

Oils and Broth:

  • Olive oil: A healthy oil that can be used in cooking or as a salad dressing.
  • Broth (chicken or vegetable): A flavorful base for soups, stews, and sauces.


  • Turmeric powder: A spice with anti-inflammatory properties that can be used in a variety of dishes.
  • Ground coriander: A versatile spice that can be used in curries, soups, and marinades.
  • Five spice powder: A blend of spices commonly used in Chinese cuisine.
  • Other: Any other spices you prefer for particular cuisine.

International Flavors:

  • Tahini: A paste made from ground sesame seeds, commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisine for sauces, dips, and dressings.
  • Hoisin sauce: A sweet and savory sauce commonly used in Chinese cuisine.
  • Soy sauce: A salty condiment used in many Asian dishes.
  • Pesto: A classic Italian sauce made from basil, pine nuts, garlic, and Parmesan cheese. It’s great for adding flavor to pasta, sandwiches, or roasted vegetables.
  • Rice vinegar: A mild vinegar used in many Asian dishes.
  • Sambal Oelek (or other chile pastes): A spicy condiment commonly used in Southeast Asian cuisine.
  • Toasted sesame oil: A flavorful oil used in many Asian dishes.
  • Water chestnuts, bamboo shoots: Crunchy and mild-flavored vegetables commonly used in Chinese cuisine.
  • Chimichurri sauce: A South American sauce made from parsley, garlic, vinegar, and oil. It’s often used as a marinade or sauce for grilled meats.
  • Sriracha: A spicy sauce made from chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, and sugar. It’s commonly used as a condiment for Vietnamese or Thai dishes.

Protein powder (whey, soy, or plant-based): A convenient source of protein to add to smoothies or baked goods for a protein boost.

Remember to check your pantry before heading to the store, and fill in the blanks with the items you need to make your favorite dishes. With a well-stocked pantry, you’ll be able to whip up delicious and nutritious meals in no time!

Stock the Fridge

When it comes to meal prep, it’s not just about the fresh produce you choose. You also need to consider the proteins and dairy products you’ll be using to round out your meals. From chicken to tofu, cheese to yogurt, here are some essential fridge staples to add to your grocery list.


  • Chicken breast
  • Chicken thighs
  • Ground turkey
  • Lean ground beef
  • Bacon
  • Rotisserie chicken
  • Shrimp
  • Fish (think salmon, tuna, mackerel)
  • Tofu
  • Meat replacements, like Boca patties


  • Eggs
  • Liquid egg whites
  • Cottage cheese
  • Greek or Icelandic yogurt, or coconut yogurt
  • Milk or plant-based milk


  • Protein bars
  • Hummus 

Keep in Mind:

  • Look for lean protein sources to minimize fat content
  • Consider plant-based options for protein (tofu, beans, lentils) to vary your sources
  • Choose Greek or Icelandic yogurt for higher protein content
  • Opt for unsweetened plant-based milks to minimize added sugars.

Think About Storage 

When it comes to meal prep, having quality food containers is essential. They help you organize and store your meals efficiently, and make it easy to bring them along wherever you go. But with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which containers to buy.

The good news is that investing in quality meal prep containers is worth it in the long run. Not only do they save you money by reducing waste, but they also keep your food fresh for longer and make it easier to stick to your meal plan. Plus, having a variety of container sizes and shapes ensures that you can portion out your meals correctly, and you can choose containers that suit your individual needs, whether that’s portion control, leak-proof options, or microwave-safe materials.

When adding meal prep containers to your grocery list, there are a few things to keep in mind: 

  1. Consider the material the container is made of. Glass containers are durable, easy to clean, and won’t absorb odors or stains, while plastic containers are lightweight and often come with snap-on lids for easy transport. 
  2. Make sure to choose containers that fit your needs. Purchase containers that are freezer-safe if you plan on freezing your meals, and microwave-safe if you plan on reheating them. 
  3. Consider the size and shape. Think of your typical menu and purchase containers based on the types of meals you’ll be prepping.

Overall, investing in quality meal prep containers is a smart choice that will make your meal prep routine easier and more enjoyable. Plus, having the right containers on hand means you can spend less time worrying about storage and more time enjoying your delicious and healthy meals.

Now That You Weekly Meal Prep Grocery List. Let’s Get Cooking!

Here are some recipes to get you started:

meal prep recipes and grocery list

Easy Eggplant Parmesan Recipe & Orzo Veggie Medley Meal Prep

Pecan Spiced Granola Meal Prep

Low-Carb Coconut Curry Slow Cooker Meal Prep

Vegan BBQ Beans With Tahini Sauce – Vegan Meal Prep

Savory Roasted Vegetables For Meal Prep

Spiced Chicken Thigh Meal Prep

Sesame Beef Broccoli Meal Prep Recipe

Chicken & Broccoli Casserole Meal Prep In Jars

Balsamic Chicken Meal Prep

Bison Roast & Mashed Parsnips – Paleo Prep

Now that you know all about the benefits of meal prepping and some easy-to-make recipes, it’s time to put your knowledge into action. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your meals, and remember that meal prepping doesn’t have to be boring or repetitive.

When you’re planning your meals, think about what you like to eat and what ingredients are in season. Incorporate different fruits, vegetables, and proteins to keep things interesting. Don’t forget to use spices and seasonings to add flavor without adding extra calories.

One of the best things about meal prepping is that it saves you time and money in the long run. By planning and preparing your meals ahead of time, you’ll be less likely to eat out or order takeout, which can be costly and unhealthy. Plus, you’ll have more time during the week to focus on other things you enjoy.

So, whether you’re a busy professional, a student, or just looking to eat healthier, meal prepping is a great option to consider. Give it a try and see how it can make your life easier and your meals more delicious!

The post The Ultimate Grocery List for Meal Prep appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

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Best Kitchen Tools for Meal Prep Thu, 08 Jun 2023 12:00:00 +0000 If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’m all about healthy meal prep. It’s been a game-changer for me when it comes to sticking to a healthy eating plan and keeping the pounds off. But let’s be real, meal prepping can be a lot of work, and sometimes it feels like […]

The post Best Kitchen Tools for Meal Prep appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’m all about healthy meal prep. It’s been a game-changer for me when it comes to sticking to a healthy eating plan and keeping the pounds off. But let’s be real, meal prepping can be a lot of work, and sometimes it feels like we don’t even know where to start.

Don’t worry, fam, I got you! If you’re feeling overwhelmed with meal planning and prepping, I’ve rounded up my top meal prep tools for healthy meal preps. With these gadgets in your arsenal, meal prepping will be a breeze! 

Trust me, it’s like trying to fix your car without a wrench – you need the right tools to get the job done right.

So, if you’re ready to take your meal prep game to the next level, keep reading. I’ve got all the tips and tools you need to make meal prep easy and stress-free. Let’s get cookin’!

Top 11 Must-Have Meal Prepping Tools for Saving Time and Energy

Let’s talk about meal prep tools. What exactly is a meal prep tool, you ask? Well, it’s anything that makes your life easier when you’re prepping your meals. It could be your trusty oven or your go-to cooking spatula. Basically, anything that helps you save time and get the job done is a meal prep tool.

Now, there are a ton of different tools and gadgets out there, which can make it hard to figure out which ones are worth investing in. But don’t stress. With my help, you’ll be able to navigate the sea of mediocre tools and find the ones that are truly helpful. 

So, whether you’re a meal prep newbie or a seasoned pro, find your new favorite kitchen tool from this list of my must-haves.


If you’re looking for a kitchen gadget to save time and energy during meal prep, the Instant Pot is where it’s at. This multicooker does it all, from pressure cooking to steaming to slow cooking. It’s perfect for making staples like rice and quinoa. It also makes great soups, stews, and chili. Plus, with its ability to batch-cook items like beans and shredded chicken, you can meal prep for the week in no time. Don’t just take my word for it  – there are over 100,000 5-star ratings for this gadget on Amazon. Give it a try and see for yourself why it’s been all the rage in the health world lately. If you’re needing a meal prep recipe to get started with pressure cookers, try one of these:

meal prep kitchen

Instant Pot Fruit-On-The-Bottom Protein Oats Meal Prep

Instant Pot Green Chile Chicken Tortilla Soup

Instant Pot Impossible Vegan Chili

BBQ Pulled Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potato (Instant Pot)


One of the best things about a slow cooker is that it allows you to prepare meals in advance without needing to babysit the cooking process. So whether you’re prepping food in the morning for later that night or you’re making a week’s worth of food over the weekend, the slow cooker can have it ready to go in just a few unattended hours. Get ready to cook up a big pot of soup or chili, make a batch of pulled pork, or create a flavorful stew. And remember, you can set it and forget it, letting it do all the work while you focus on other things. Try some of these recipes to get started with your slow cooker:

meal prepping tools

Easy Slow Cooker Chicken Tinga Tacos

Slow Cooker Italian Greens & Chicken Soup

Slow Cooker Marinara & Eggplant Parm

Slow Cooker Creamy Chicken, Broccoli & Rice Casserole


Good, sharp knives are one of my absolute must-haves in the kitchen. Chopping veggies and prepping meat is a breeze when you have quality knives at your disposal. If you haven’t already, treat yourself to a set of knives that are up to the task. Put your knives and knife skills to the test with these recipes:

meal prep essentials

Sweet Pecan Chopped Salad – Fall Salad Recipe

Mediterranean Greek Chopped Salad (Wrap)

Hi Protein Abundance Bowl Meal Prep

Shirazi – Cucumber, Tomato & Herb Salad


Cutting boards are a meal prep essential. Not only do they protect your counters and knives from damage, but they also make chopping veggies and fruits a breeze. Plus, a flexible cutting board can be bent and curved to easily transfer ingredients into pots and pans. It’s also important to have separate cutting boards for meat and produce to avoid cross-contamination. Investing in a few quality cutting boards will make your meal prep experience so much smoother. Here are some recipes that will put your board to work:

meal prep supplies

Thai-Inspired Coconut & Peanut Chopped Salad

Red Chicken Curry Tacos, Salad & Peanut Sauce

Post-Workout Plantains With Maple Syrup

Spicy Wasabi Salmon Salad Wrap


As someone who loves to meal prep, I’m always on the lookout for kitchen tools that make my life easier. Some of my favorite kitchen gadgets for meal prep are silicone muffin cups and silicone baking liners. Not only are they insanely easy to clean (which is a huge plus in my book), but they’re also reusable and eco-friendly, so I’m reducing my waste footprint while also saving money. Another bonus is that they’re non-stick, so my egg cups, oat cups, and protein muffins pop right out without any hassle. Say goodbye to the frustration of scrubbing muffin tins and sheet pans and hello to convenient and hassle-free meal prep with silicone muffin cups and sheet pan liners. Enjoy these recipes without the headache of cleanup:

meal prep must haves

Oat, Turkey & Cheese Breakfast Muffins

Apple Cinnamon Ginger Coffee Cake Muffins

Double Chocolate Protein Muffins

Herb Roasted Spatchcock Chicken With Veggies


As a cook, you know how crucial it is to have accurate measurements for ingredients. That’s where measuring cups and spoons come in handy. You can easily portion out everything from flour to spices, ensuring consistent results every time you cook. I personally love using magnetic measuring cups and spoons, which stay together and are super easy to clean. And don’t forget about liquid measuring cups! They make it so much easier to measure and pour out liquids like oil and water with precision, helping you nail your recipes every time. If you’re serious about cooking, investing in these measuring tools is a must-have for your kitchen arsenal. And while I definitely cook without measuring… ALL. THE. TIME. (with a little of this and a little of that…) Baking is a different story. To make sure you get these baking recipes right, put your measuring tools to work:

food prep tools

Thin Keto Crackers

Gluten-Free Vegan Chocolate Brownie Waffles

Oat, Turkey & Cheese Breakfast Muffins

Gluten-Free Walnut Zucchini Bread


At first, you might think food scales are just for people who are really into baking, but hear me out. A digital food kitchen scale is actually super helpful for cooking in general. You can weigh out your ingredients for a recipe so you get everything just right. But, even beyond that, one of the greatest benefits of a food scale when it comes to healthy eating is for portion control. If you’re trying to eat healthy and maintain a balanced diet, using a food scale can be a huge help. You can weigh out your portions of protein, carbs, and veggies to make sure you’re getting the right amount of each. It takes the guesswork out of portioning and helps you stay on track with your goals. Here are a few recipes that benefit from a food scale, but also be sure to give portioning a try!

food prep utensils

Cheesecake Factory Chocolate Cheesecake

4 Ingredient Low Carb Butter Biscuits


A high-quality blender is an essential kitchen tool for meal prep, especially for those who love smoothies. Investing in a high-powered blender is important because it can make a huge difference in the texture and consistency of your blends. Cheap blenders may leave your smoothies chunky or full of bits, but with a high-quality blender, you’ll get a creamy and smooth texture every time. It’s not just about making smoothies though, blenders are also great for pureeing soups, making homemade nut butter, and even mixing up pancake batter. So, whether you’re blending up your favorite smoothie recipe for breakfast or making a batch of creamy tomato soup for dinner, a high-quality blender will make meal prep a breeze. Try these recipes with a blender:

kitchen prep tools

Cashew & Spinach Ricotta Stuffed Pasta Shells

Sesame Ginger Mango Dressing & Noodle Salad

Banana Pudding Nice Cream

Low Carb Salmon Nuggets & Cauliflower Chowder


A spiralizer vegetable slicer is a great tool for a gluten-free or low-carb diet. Not only can you make delicious veggie noodles that are a healthy alternative to traditional pasta, but you can also spiralize other veggies like zucchini, sweet potato, and cucumber for salads or as a crunchy addition to wraps and sandwiches. Spiralizing veggies also allows them to cook faster, making meal prep a breeze. Plus, it’s a fun way to get creative with your cooking and try out new recipes. Whether you’re looking to cut down on carbs or just want to incorporate more veggies into your diet, a spiralizer is a game-changer. Try out your spiralizer on these recipes:

meal prep equipment

Shrimp Marinara Zucchini Pasta

5-Ingredient Salmon Alfredo Keto Recipe


Silicone freezing trays are a total lifesaver when it comes to meal prep, especially for those of us who like to make smoothies or juices. These trays are so versatile, and you can use them to freeze pretty much anything you want – from pureed fruits and veggies to homemade bone broth or broth-based soups. The best part is that the flexible silicone material makes it easy to pop out individual portions once they’re frozen solid. Plus, they’re super easy to clean and take up minimal space in your freezer. Use these trays for perfect smoothie meal prep:

food preparation tools

How To Meal Prep Smoothies


Storage containers are a meal prepper’s best friend. They keep your meals fresh and ready to grab on the go. Glass containers are great because they don’t absorb food smells or stains and can be safely microwaved. Steel containers are durable and can keep your meals hot or cold for longer periods of time. Mason jars are a trendy option that can be used for salads or layered meals, and they’re easy to clean. Reusable food bags are also a great option for snacks or portioned meals, and they’re lightweight and easy to pack. No matter which type of container you prefer, make sure they’re leak-proof and easy to clean. You’ll be thanking yourself when you have a fridge full of meal prep containers ready to go at a moment’s notice. 

If you’re looking for a great steel meal prep container, try mine!


Food processors can help you save so much time and energy in the kitchen. With a food processor, you can chop vegetables, shred cheese, make hummus, pesto, or nut butter, and even make your own energy balls or granola bars. It’s so much faster than doing all of these things by hand, and the results are often much smoother and more consistent. If you’re looking to streamline your meal prep process, investing in a food processor is definitely worth considering. I use my food processor on recipes like these:

food prep kitchen

Superfood Raw Energy Bars With Cacao

Easy Chickpea Blondies With Macadamia

Low Carb Zucchini Latke Waffles

Keto Avocado Hummus Recipe

Ultimately, there are many essential kitchen items to consider if you want to make healthy meal prep a regular part of your routine. But this list is a great place to start! 

A sharp chef’s knife and a reliable cutting board are a must-have for preparing ingredients, while measuring cups and spoons, as well as a food scale, will ensure accurate portion sizes. Food processors and blenders can make quick work of chopping and pureeing ingredients for sauces and dips, and silicone freezing trays and storage containers will keep your prepped meals and ingredients fresh and organized. 

With these essential tools on hand, you’ll be able to easily prep healthy meals for yourself and your family, even on busy days.

The post Best Kitchen Tools for Meal Prep appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

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15 Paleo Meal Prep Recipes You’ll Actually Want to Eat Wed, 07 Jun 2023 12:00:00 +0000 What’s up my fellow “Cavemen”! Are you looking for some bomb paleo meal prep ideas? Well, look no further, because I got you covered! The Paleo diet has been around for a while now and it’s still one of the best ways to eat healthily. The concept is pretty simple – if we eat like […]

The post 15 Paleo Meal Prep Recipes You’ll Actually Want to Eat appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

What’s up my fellow “Cavemen”!

Are you looking for some bomb paleo meal prep ideas? Well, look no further, because I got you covered!

The Paleo diet has been around for a while now and it’s still one of the best ways to eat healthily. The concept is pretty simple – if we eat like our ancestors did, we’ll be healthier and stronger.

So, let’s get back to the basics and eat like our hunter-gatherer forefathers. That means ditching grains, sugar, dairy, and processed foods, and loading up on meats, fruits, veggies, nuts, and healthy oils.

I know it’s hard to stick to a dairy-free and grain-free diet when eating out (or in general!), so why not save yourself some time and money by meal prepping? Trust me, it’s a lifesaver!

Pick a meal prep recipe below and enjoy stress-free, delicious paleo meals all week long!

How to Save Time When You’re Doing Paleo Meal Prep

If you’re new to the paleo lifestyle and looking to eat healthier or if you’ve been eating like a caveman since the cavemen were around, you might feel overwhelmed by the thought of planning meals, prepping ingredients, and hitting the grocery store. But don’t worry – I’ve got some tips to help you save time and make the paleo diet super easy

Time-Saving Tips:

  1. Plan out your meals for the week so you don’t have to scramble for ideas each day.
  2. Make a grocery list and knock out your shopping in one go.
  3. Keep your recipes simple and use fresh ingredients.
  4. Look for recipes you can prep ahead of time, like meat marinades, chopped veggies, or dressings.
  5. Get some high-quality containers to keep your meals fresh and organized.
  6. Cook in bulk and freeze some meals for later in the week or month.
  7. Pick ingredients that can be used in multiple recipes throughout the week, like roasted veggies, grilled chicken, or boiled eggs.
  8. Take advantage of your slow cooker and instant pot for easy, hands-off meal prep.
  9. Or, if you’re feeling fancy, try a meal prep service that delivers pre-made paleo meals right to your door.

Meal prep doesn’t have to be complicated – just keep it chill and stay ahead of the game. 

There are a variety of ways to meal prep that will give you quick access to paleo-friendly meals throughout your busy week. Find what works for you. The goal is to cook during your most convenient time – ideally when you’re NOT hungry – and to cook the fewest number of times possible.

When it comes to choosing recipes, stick to ones with fresh, simple ingredients that can be prepped ahead of time. Trust me, it makes a huge difference! And if you’re struggling to get the whole family on board with paleo, look for modified versions of your family’s favorite recipes. Start by swapping out white rice for cauliflower rice. Or serve chicken salad on crunchy lettuce wraps instead of bread. Pretty soon you’ll have everyone enjoying your favorite paleo recipes.

Benefits of Paleo Diet Meal Prep

Are you tired of spending all your free time in the kitchen? Or maybe you’re just looking for a way to eat healthier without breaking the bank. Either way, you might want to try out paleo meal prep. With pre-prepped meals, you can avoid the temptation of takeout and ensure you’re sticking to a healthy way of eating. And the best part? You can totally customize your meals to fit your tastes and dietary needs. So why not give it a go? It’s convenient, eco-friendly, and can save you a ton of time and money in the long run. 

Top Benefits of Meal Prep:

  1. Save time: Ain’t nobody got time to cook every meal from scratch. By prepping meals in advance, you can free up some of your precious time during the week.
  2. Eat healthier: Paleo is all about eating whole, nutrient-rich foods without any of the processed junk. By prepping your meals, you can ensure you’re sticking to this healthier way of eating.
  3. Save money: Ordering takeout or eating out can put a dent in your wallet. By prepping your own meals, you can save some cash and still eat like a king (or queen).
  4. Control portions: It’s easy to overeat when you’re starving and faced with a giant plate of food. But with pre-prepped meals, you can control your portion sizes and avoid going overboard.
  5. Mix things up: There are so many different paleo-friendly ingredients and recipes out there that you’re sure to find something you like. Meal prep lets you switch things up and easily give those fun recipes a try.
  6. Make it yours: Paleo meal prep is super customizable, so you can tweak recipes to fit your dietary needs and taste preferences.
  7. Convenient: With pre-prepped meals on hand, you don’t have to worry about figuring out what to eat or spend time cooking when you’re hangry.
  8. Eco-friendly: Using reusable containers and reducing food waste makes meal prep a more sustainable way of eating.

The benefits of meal prep are real! Overall, paleo meal prep can help you eat healthier, save time and money, and enjoy more variety and convenience in your meals. 

If you’re on the hunt for some tasty and healthy paleo meal prep recipes, we’ve got you covered. These recipes are guaranteed to satisfy your cravings while keeping you on track with your healthy eating goals. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get cooking!

Paleo Breakfast Meal Prep

Low-Carb Cricket Flour Muffins

paleo meal prep ideas

Get ready to surprise your taste buds with this nutritious and delicious recipe made with cricket flour. The nutty flavor and protein punch will have you hooked. Don’t be afraid to try something new… and cricket flour is the perfect way to shake up a traditional muffin to make it paleo-friendly. These muffins are a great addition to your morning routine! Double the batch and freeze some for easy paleo breakfasts and snacks.

Caveman Chicken Waffles & Sweet Potato

meal prep ideas paleo

You’ve heard of chicken AND waffles… well, how about chicken waffles? That’s right, the chicken is mixed right into this sweet potato waffle. From the looks of the ingredient list, you’d never guess this could be a breakfast food. But you’ll be surprised at how delicious, filling, and easy these waffles are as part of your healthy meal prep.

Breakfast 101: Eggs, Turkey, Spinach & Roasted Potatoes

paleo meal prep lunch

It’s easy to get caught up in complicated and elaborate healthy eating routines, but sometimes simplicity is the key to success. That’s why I love this go-to breakfast meal – it’s a reminder that nutritious and delicious food doesn’t have to be complicated. Even after all these years, this meal leaves me feeling satisfied and energized, ready to take on whatever the day has in store

Bacon & Egg Stuffed Sweet Potato

paleo lunch meal prep

Rise and shine with a tasty breakfast that’s sure to fuel your day! Try out this delicious bacon and egg stuffed sweet potato, which was requested by one of my followers after I posted a mouth-watering photo of it on Instagram. Inspired by my popular egg and turkey bacon stuffed avocado recipe from 2013, this dish is the perfect start to an epic day.

Paleo Lunch Meal Prep

Bison Roast & Mashed Parsnips – Paleo Prep

paleo recipes meal prep

One of the things I love about this recipe is how quick it is – you can have everything ready to go in just about an hour. And let’s talk about parsnips, shall we? These babies aren’t exactly a household name, but they’ve got a lot going for them. They’re sweet like carrots, but with a nutty kick that makes them super versatile for sweet and savory recipes alike. And in this dish, the sweet parsnips are perfectly balanced by the salty, savory bison roast.

Low-Carb Shrimp Ceviche Recipe

paleo meal prep recipes

Get ready for a burst of flavor with this low-carb shrimp ceviche recipe! This dish is perfect for those looking for a light and refreshing meal that is also paleo-friendly. Made with fresh shrimp, lime juice, and a variety of colorful veggies, this ceviche is both healthy and delicious. Plus, it’s quick and easy to make, so you can have a satisfying meal in no time! For those sticking with a strictly paleo diet, serve with an avocado salad and some paleo chips, tostones, tostadas, or homemade plantain chips for easy lunches. 

30-Minute Low-Carb Stuffed Zucchini Boats

paleo week meal prep

Looking for a quick and healthy dinner option that the whole family will love? These 30-minute low-carb stuffed zucchini boats are the perfect solution! Inspired by a dish I had on a recent trip to Israel, these zucchini boats are a fun and delicious way to get more veggies into your diet. Packed with protein and fiber, they’re also a great way to keep your carb intake in check. And the best part? You can customize them with your favorite ingredients for a meal that’s uniquely yours. 

Salmon Sweet Potato Cakes with Avocado Salsa

easy paleo meal prep

These are packed with flavor and nutrition, thanks to the combination of protein-rich salmon, fiber-rich sweet potato, and creamy avocado. Plus, they’re easy to make and perfect for a quick and healthy meal any time of day. Whether you’re looking for a tasty lunch or a light dinner, these salmon sweet potato cakes are sure to satisfy you.

Paleo Dinner Meal Prep

Michael Chernow’s Lean Bison Meatballs with Paleo Veggie Pasta

paleo breakfast meal prep

Indulge in these meatballs by Michael Chernow! As the co-founder of The Meatball Shop, Michael knows meatballs like nobody else. He shares his expertise in The Meatball Shop Cookbook and has appeared on top cooking shows. With this recipe, Michael gives us a taste of his meatball mastery, and it’s a must-try for any meatball lover!

Gluten-Free Plantain Lasagna

paleo diet meal prep

Who needs pasta when you can use thinly sliced plantains in your lasagna? This recipe is not only delicious but also packed with nutrition. Plantains are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making this dish a healthier option for your meal. Not only is this a great paleo-friendly addition to your weekly menu, but it’s also a perfect alternative for those looking for a gluten-free lasagna due to dietary restrictions.

Peruvian Roasted Chicken (Pollo A La Brasa) & Crispy Brussels Sprouts

meal prep paleo

Pollo a la Brasa is a beloved Peruvian dish known for its flavorful and juicy roasted chicken. With this recipe, you can recreate that authentic taste right in your own kitchen. The chicken is marinated in a blend of spices and herbs and then roasted to perfection. Served alongside crispy Brussels sprouts, this dish is the perfect combination of savory and satisfying. Whether you’re looking for a new weeknight dinner idea or something to impress your dinner guests, this Peruvian roasted paleo chicken and crispy Brussels sprouts recipe is sure to be a hit.

Paleo Snacks and Treats Meal Prep Recipes

Crispy Baked Sweet Shoestring Potatoes

paleo meal prep ideas

If you’re looking for a tasty and healthier alternative to French fries, these crispy baked sweet shoestring potatoes are the perfect snack or side dish! With their thin and crispy texture, these potatoes are a crowd-pleaser and are sure to satisfy any potato lover’s cravings. Made with only a few simple ingredients, this recipe is easy to make and perfect for any occasion. Plus, sweet potatoes are packed with nutrients like vitamin A, fiber, and potassium, making this dish a great addition to your diet.

Keto Avocado Hummus Recipe

meal prep ideas paleo

Looking for a healthy dip that’s perfect for your paleo diet? This avocado hummus recipe is just what you need! With its beautiful mint green color and creamy avocado flavor, this dip is a great addition to any paleo meal. Unlike most hummus recipes, this version replaces chickpeas entirely with just avocado, making it grain-free and paleo-friendly. Plus, it’s garnished with pine nuts and cilantro, making it both tasty and nutritious. This recipe is great for dipping chicken and veggie pieces or as a topping for many meals – so it’s perfect for a variety of paleo dishes. 

3-Ingredient Dark Chocolate Spread

paleo meal prep lunch

Unlike many store-bought spreads that are full of added sugars and preservatives, this recipe is made with just three simple ingredients. Perfect for those following a paleo or dairy-free diet, this dark chocolate spread is delicious with fruit and can fend off any sweet tooth craving.

Butternut Squash Fritters

paleo lunch meal prep

These butternut squash fritters are a perfect way to add some healthy and delicious variety to your meal plan. With just a few simple ingredients, you can make a crispy and flavorful snack or side dish that’s both gluten-free and paleo (just make sure to use almond flour!). The butternut squash provides a nutritious base that’s packed with vitamins and minerals, while the combination of spices adds a satisfying savory kick. Give this recipe a try and enjoy the crispy goodness of these fritters!

For more delicious paleo meal prep recipes, check us out at Fit Men Cook

The post 15 Paleo Meal Prep Recipes You’ll Actually Want to Eat appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

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Deliciously Tender Meal Prep Pork Chops Tue, 06 Jun 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Chicken, beef, and even fish seem to get all the glory when it comes to meal prep. But what about pork?! Pork can be a great source of protein. And the variety of cuts offers so many versatile flavors to add to your favorite pork meal prep. So get ready to serve up that bacon, […]

The post Deliciously Tender Meal Prep Pork Chops appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

Chicken, beef, and even fish seem to get all the glory when it comes to meal prep. But what about pork?!

Pork can be a great source of protein. And the variety of cuts offers so many versatile flavors to add to your favorite pork meal prep. So get ready to serve up that bacon, sausage, ham, pork chops, and pork tenderloin.

Not only can you find healthy pork recipes for your favorite cut of pork, but you can also find a variety of cooking methods. So there’s sure to be a pork recipe that will fit your taste and cooking style. Pork works great in a crock pot, on the grill, and in a sheet pan. 

So if you’re on the lookout for the sweet, smokey, savory goodness of pork in your healthy meal prep, look no further! 

We’ll walk you through tips on how to meal prep your top pork chops recipe and then we’ll load you up with our recipes to get you started with excellent pork chop meal prep.  

Tips to Cook the Perfect Pork Chop for Meal Prep

Pork chops are relatively lean cuts of meat. They’re packed with beneficial vitamins and minerals including iron, zinc, selenium, and vitamins B1 (thiamin), B3 (niacin), B6, and B12. Here are a few tips to add to your pork meal prep recipes

  1. Season before cooking. 

Give that meat a boost of flavor with salt and pepper and other seasonings before cooking. Waiting to add seasoning until after the meat is cooked doesn’t bring out the flavor as well as adding it before cooking. 

  1. Brine before cooking. 

Brining pork chops can help them stay juicy and flavorful during cooking. To brine, dissolve 1/4 cup of salt in 4 cups of water and add any desired seasonings. Soak the pork chops in the brine for at least 30 minutes (or up to 4 hours) before cooking.

  1. Set out before cooking. 

Cooking a chilled chop will often lead to part of the chop overcooking. For an even cook, bring the pork chop out of the fridge for at least 30 minutes and up to 2 hours before cooking to give it time to rest and come to room temperature. After this resting period, blot the meat with a paper towel to remove any excess liquid. 

  1. Select the right cut. 

There are several different types of pork chops. When selecting a particular cut, look up which type of pork chop best pairs with your pork chop recipe. You can always ask the butcher at the meat counter for guidance. In general, look for pork chops that are about 1 inch thick with a good amount of marbling, which will keep the meat juicy and tender. Avoid chops that are too thin, as they can dry out easily.

  1. Use a thermometer. 

Overcooking leads to tough meat and undercooking can make you sick. It’s best to avoid both by using an instant-read thermometer when cooking pork chops. They’re fairly cheap and easy to buy online. Pull your pork chop from the heat when the internal temperature reaches 145 degrees. 

  1. Use a pan and an oven. 

While many different cooking methods will get you a great pork chop, we recommend a sheet pan or grill pan and oven combo. Heat a large skillet or grill pan over high heat until hot. Add a little olive oil or just regular cooking oil to the pan. Pork chops go in once the oil is hot. Be careful not to overcrowd the pan. Sear the pork chops for about 3-4 minutes on each side, until a golden-brown crust forms. Flip the chops only once to prevent them from drying out. For thicker pork chops, transfer them to a preheated oven (at 400°F/200°C) and cook for an additional 6-8 minutes until the internal temperature reaches 145°F (63°C) for a safe and tender chop.

  1. Store individually to freeze. 

If you’re batch-prepping pork chops to use over the next several weeks, wrap your seasoned pork chops individually. These are chops without sauces but have seasonings like a spice rub or ranch seasoning. For pork chops with sauce, use the smallest meal prep container possible to tightly package your pork chop and sauce.

With these tips, you’re sure to cook a tender and juicy chop that you can enjoy in your meal prep this week or from the freezer for weeks to come. 

Grab your favorite pork chop recipe and follow the cooking instructions. Pork chops cook well in an oven, air fryer, frying pan, slow cooker, and on the barbecue.

Make sure to rest and cool the pork before transferring it to your meal prep container. 

Then store in the fridge for 3-5 days or in the freezer for about 3 months.

Best Side Dishes for Meal Prep With Pork Chops

Many delicious side dishes go well with pork chops. Here are some ideas:

  1. Roasted vegetables: Roasted carrots, Brussels sprouts, or sweet potatoes complement the sweetness of pork chops.
  2. Mashed potato: Creamy mashed potatoes pair well with the savory flavor of pork chops.
  3. Sauteed spinach: Fresh spinach sauteed with garlic and olive oil is a light and flavorful side dish.
  4. Applesauce: The sweetness of applesauce is a classic pairing.
  5. Rice pilaf: A flavorful rice pilaf with herbs, spices, and vegetables is a great way to add some variety to your meal.
  6. Green beans: Lightly blanched green beans with garlic and lemon add a bright and fresh contrast to the richness of pork chops.
  7. Coleslaw: A crunchy and tangy coleslaw is a great way to add some texture and freshness to your meal.
  8. Baked beans: Sweet and savory baked beans pair well with the smoky flavor of pork chops.

Ultimately, the best side dishes to serve with pork chops depend on personal taste. Try experimenting with different flavors and textures to find the perfect match for your pork chops.

The Top 5 Pork Meal Prep Recipes On The Planet

Once you’ve mastered the perfect pork chop using the tips above, spice up your weekly menu with some of these flavorful pork recipes. You can also use pork instead of chicken in recipes you’re already comfortable cooking. Pork is not only delicious, but it can be pretty affordable as well. So the next time you find yourself checking out the pork on sale at the grocery store, go ahead and grab it. Pork might just be your new preferred source of protein. 

If you’re in search of a super easy dinner recipe, get started with one of these pork meal prep recipes:

BBQ Pork Tenderloin & Slaw Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

pork meal prep

Looking for an easy recipe that will give you a variety of meal prep options? This pork tenderloin is in a preheated oven in minutes keeping your prep time to a minimum. And not only does it pair deliciously well with this slaw and sweet potato, but you can also double the pork recipe and serve it up with a side of brown rice and veggies. 

Crispy Pork & Rice

pulled pork meal prep

This is the perfect recipe to batch cook for a week of lunches. Filling and flavorful, this pork and rice dish is easy to portion out into individual storage containers for a grab-and-go meal. Mix up the recipe with your favorite veggies. 

Slow Cooker Pulled Pork – Carnitas

meal prep pork chops

Planning ahead for a slow cooker meal is the exact opposite of what your busy schedule may allow. But just imagine being able to pull juicy pork carnitas from your freezer on a crazy work night! This pulled pork freezes extremely well. Make a large batch on a Sunday and have pork ready to go in your freezer for months. Freeze it in single-meal-sized bags for an easy weeknight option. And if you’re short on ingredients for the carnitas, add a baggy of meat to a bowl of rice and build a delicious burrito bowl with whatever beans and veggies you have on hand.

Air-Fried Bacon Brussels Sprouts

pork tenderloin meal prep

If you don’t have an air fryer this recipe also works well in the oven. The crisp brussels sprouts pair perfectly with the salty, sweet bacon. If you’ve been eating the same veggie every night, it’s time to mix things up with this easy recipe.

Bacon, Jalapeño & Garlic Green Beans

pork loin meal prep

Spice up your life with these tasty green beans. If you ever thought to pass on green beans because they lacked flavor, not this recipe! The bacon and jalapeño combo will make your mouth water and you’ll even forget you’re eating your vegetables. 

Check out Fit Men Cook for more recipes and meal prep ideas.

The post Deliciously Tender Meal Prep Pork Chops appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

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