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Kevin Curry

Budget Meal: Avocado Egg Salad (with Chicken Patties)

Budget Meal: Avocado Egg Salad (With Chicken Patties)
If you’re running low on cash but need to keep your protein high, remember you can always use egg (whites) to boost the protein content of any meal!

Avocado is a powerful food that you should also include in your meals as often as possible. One of the benefits is that it contains high levels of healthy, beneficial fats, which can help you feel fuller between meals.

It has a mild and neutral taste, so avocado can be used in both savory and sweet varieties, salads, dressings, sandwiches and other dishes.

One way to incorporate this food into your meals is this low carb salad which is prepared very easily and quickly with just a few ingredients.

We will use hard boiled eggs for this salad. Cooking eggs is quite simple and everyone knows that. My advice is just to put boiled eggs in the ice-cold water, it will help you with peeling.

Cut avocado to a half to easier remove the pit and put out the contest of the avocado in a bowl and mash. Then peel the eggs. We will only use egg whites, so you can save the egg yolks for later or for some other dish. Cut the egg whites into small pieces and add them to the bowl with avocado.

Add in other ingredients, chopped cucumber, cilantro, fresh lime juice and season to taste. If you like and if your budget allows, add 1 tbsp of 2% Greek yogurt. Mix gently all ingredients and your avocado egg salad is ready.

Avocado egg salad recipes exist in several variants. Exploring and trying out different variants, I liked this one the most. The right size of each ingredient suits both my tastes and my diet plan. Be sure to try and let me know your impressions in the comments below.

Have a good meal and stay fit!

Budget Meal: Avocado Egg Salad (with Chicken Patties)



  • 1 ripe avocado (small – medium)
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1/8 cup chopped cucumber
  • cilantro
  • fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 tsp coriander (optional)
  • sea salt & pepper
  • 1 tbsp 2% Greek yogurt (IF budget allows)


Step 1

Boil eggs.  When finished boiling, immediately place in ice cold water, which will help with peeling.

Step 2

Remove the pit from the avocado and carve out the contents of the avocado into a bowl. Mash with a fork.

Step 3

Peel the eggs and slice open. Remove the yolk and save for later or discard. Dice the egg white into small pieces.

Step 4

Add cucumber, cilantro, lime juice and mix with a fork. Season to taste.

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About Kevin - author


Hey, I'm Kevin

My name is Kevin. My life changed when I realized that healthy living is a lifelong journey, mainly won by having a well-balanced diet and maintaining an active lifestyle.

By experimenting in the kitchen and sharing my meals on Tumblr, I learned healthy eating is not boring! By making a few adjustments to my favorite foods, I could design a diet that could help me achieve my wellness goals while satisfying my desire for BANGIN food! 😅 Now I try to help people around the world realize that same level of freedom in eating regardless of budget. Welcome, let's #DemocratizeWellness together!