Mental Wellness Archives - Fit Men Cook Recipes and ideas to make you healthier & happier. Mon, 31 Jul 2023 18:29:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mental Wellness Archives - Fit Men Cook 32 32 Is therapy right for you? Wed, 26 Apr 2023 18:24:07 +0000 What I learned from 6 months in Psychotherapy 6 months ago, I was spent! I had been running on E for a while, but it had finally taken a toll, and I was strongly considering walking away from everything. I knew if I didn’t get more help, my decision-making would only worsen. So, I decided […]

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What I learned from 6 months in Psychotherapy

6 months ago, I was spent! I had been running on E for a while, but it had finally taken a toll, and I was strongly considering walking away from everything. I knew if I didn’t get more help, my decision-making would only worsen. So, I decided to go back to intense psychotherapy for the first time in years.

My ego made it a tougher pill to swallow b/c I had convinced myself that as a public personality who advocates for mental health, I could be seen as a hypocrite. But really, the only thing hypocritical was my refusal and stubbornness to do the very thing I had been encouraging others to do–seek professional help (and mean it). So I did. And here’s the five-point checklist of what I’ve learned.

(If you’re in a tight spot, or someone you know is, I hope this encourages you to start your journey with therapy or helps make you feel comfortable reaching out to a trustworthy friend for emotional support. By sharing this, I hope that it makes it easier to take that first step.

  1. We all experience trauma–we just gotta stop running from dealing with it: What hit home in one of our first sessions was when she asked me: “What was the thing you needed most as a child but never got?” Suddenly she helped me access a specific memory that felt just as real that day as it did when it first happened to me. As we went through subsequent sessions, it became clear that I was running away from that younger self I had “left behind” to avoid dealing with unresolved trauma. She encouraged me to sit with my younger self and connect with him. If you can answer that question for yourself and connect with that younger self, you’ll find that it helps uncover the root of many of your present emotions, reactions, and behaviors. Just like you can’t out-train a bad diet, you can’t outrun your trauma.
  2. You Have to Embrace Reality: This was easier said than done! In order to stop avoiding reality and start dealing with the present, I had to first mourn the loss of the expectations I had set for my life. I came to grips with the parts of reality that have held any emotional weight over myself… it’s hard, and it can stink. Still, through acceptance, you can change your perspective from “this stinks, and it’s as good as it gets” to “this stinks, but I’m OK with it.”   By acknowledging the emotional baggage, you can learn to stop avoiding reality and embrace it without letting those emotions define and dictate your present.
  3. You (And Your Feelings) Are Worthy: The turning point was when my therapist asked me: “what makes you happy?” That question made me feel heard because it also helped me hear MYSELF. It can be a tough question to answer. Still, suppose you dig deep and can answer that question. In that case, you can take the first steps toward accepting your emotions AND yourself–the real, genuine you that deserves to hold space and to matter without seeking external validation and building your worthiness on the expectations of others.
  4. You Need to Be Comfortable with Your Own Identity: Understanding my past trauma informed the way I approached many of my personal and business relationships and what they meant to me. Do I feel free to be myself with this person or business? Am I subconsciously chasing acceptance?  So my ask of you is this: consider which relationships you have where you feel compelled to be who you think you HAVE TO be versus the relationships you have which build you up and celebrate you as the person you ARE.
  5.  Perspective Is Everything: And here’s my final point. It sounds obvious, but the impact of this can’t be understated: therapy changes your perspective. It’s kinda like getting new reading glasses–you’re seeing the world with a lot more clarity. As you deal with your past trauma, your relationships and the way you move through the world will change significantly. When your understanding and view of the world changes (and that’s a GOOD thing), what you value also changes which helps you embrace reality in ways you hadn’t before. You release the emotional baggage that colored your previous experiences and dramatically change how you navigate the world.

Those are the five takeaways from my six-month journey through psychotherapy, and when you check out the video, I hope you discover ways that therapy might be helpful for you. To continue the conversation, I sit down with Jesse–who’s never been through therapy himself–to unpack more questions folks might have and to further remove the stigma around seeking professional help.

Check it out here and let me know what you think.

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Why The World Needs More Tea Thu, 15 Oct 2020 12:01:00 +0000 Hey, y’all! If you’ve been following along on Insta lately, you’ve heard by now that I have a new line of wellness teas hitting the shelves soon.  If you HAVEN’T been following along, well… now you know anyway! Tea has been a big part of my life ever since I started my health and wellness […]

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Hey, y’all!

If you’ve been following along on Insta lately, you’ve heard by now that I have a new line of wellness teas hitting the shelves soon. 

If you HAVEN’T been following along, well… now you know anyway!

Tea has been a big part of my life ever since I started my health and wellness journey for a few reasons. First, drinking tea is an easy way to stay hydrated if you’re the kind of person who gets bored with drinking water. It’s also flavorful enough that I find it can combat any cravings I might have for sweeter, less healthy drinks.

But something else that I love about tea is how steeped in history tea is.

Get it? I couldn’t help myself. 

The American Revolution might be the most apparent event you think of if you’re in the US. But tea has been an incredibly important part of MANY cultures worldwide for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years. Tea is one thing that we can all relate to and enjoy together regardless of where we live or what language we speak.

So when I started putting together MY line of teas, I wanted to make sure that they reflected this kind of global thinking. Many of my travels influenced the different blends of teas that I have coming out—so no matter which blends you go for, I hope that they “transport” you and inspire you to cultivate a bigger perspective on life.

On a more practical level, I made sure that the initial release of blends does many things that people typically reach out to tea to get.


Stress relief is probably the number one reason a lot of people drink tea. How many times have you seen it happen in a movie or on a show where the panic-stricken or super agitated character takes a sip from a hot cup of tea and calms down? Most teas that reduce stress prominently feature peppermint as a primary ingredient. Mine has some bonus ingredients to dial up the flavor and even give the body an antioxidant boost!


Being well-rested has a HUGE impact on our well-being, so the second reason most people reach for a cup of tea is helping them rest and recover. Lemon balm is a popular ingredient for tea designed to promote ease and recovery. Mine includes hand-sifted chamomile blossoms and a few other elements you’ll have to wait to see. 


Another popular reason to drink tea is to boost your immunity! We usually think of green tea as the immunity-booster if we’re feeling under the weather, but I’ve picked up a few tricks from my travels, and I’ve come up with something a bit different. I promise you’re going to love it—it’s packed with flavor and its caffeine-free, so you don’t have to worry about it keeping you up at night.


Speaking of caffeine, the fourth most common reason to drink tea is to find some energy and focus. I even go so far as to advocate for swapping coffee with tea—it can wake you up just as effectively. And instead of dehydrating you, it gives your body a boost of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants! 

Want to be the first to know about my wellness teas AND get the best price when they drop? Sign up below.

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Why You Need To Eat Seasonal Food (And How To Get Started) Sat, 19 Sep 2020 12:45:00 +0000 EATING SEASONAL FOODS IS HIGHLY BENEFICIAL FOR YOUR BODY AND YOUR COMMUNITY: When it comes to our diets, it’s important to think intersectionally: I want to talk about that last one for a little bit. Because as we’ve grown accustomed to having large grocery stores that stock practically any ingredient we could hope to find, many of […]

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When it comes to our diets, it’s important to think intersectionally:

  • what are your goals?
  • how do certain foods make you feel?
  • how do your overall health and medical history look?
  • what foods are accessible to you?

I want to talk about that last one for a little bit. Because as we’ve grown accustomed to having large grocery stores that stock practically any ingredient we could hope to find, many of us have lost touch with the concept of seasonal eating. Many of us aren’t even aware of which fruits and vegetables are freshest during each season. Losing that kind of connection to what we put into our bodies is detrimental to our health and makes it more difficult to practice mindful eating habits.

Heading into fall, we’re blessed with an abundance of produce that will be at its freshest. And here’s why you should take advantage of that:


  1. It’s what your body needs right now. Our bodies are very reactive to the seasons, and food that’s harvested at its peak retains much of the vital nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy during specific times of the year. For example, an abundance of citrus fruits are in season beginning in October and throughout the winter, when our bodies are most in need of Vitamin C to ward off cold and flu season.
  2. It tastes better. Produce harvested at its peak also retains more of its flavor profile, which results in tastier dishes. By committing to eating seasonally, you can guarantee that your fruits and veggies will taste their absolute best.
  3. It’s cost-effective. You’ll save money by eating seasonally as well. This is thanks to simple economics: when food’s in season, there’s more of it widely available, resulting in lower prices per pound at the store. Imported foods that are in season from overseas sources have inflated costs.
  4. It’s better for the environment. Seasonal foods have a lower carbon footprint because they don’t require as much transportation, refrigeration, etc. to go from the farm to your table.
  5. It helps your community. Most seasonal foods come from local sources, and the best places to find them are in your local farmers’ markets. Buying food that’s in-season is a great way to stay connected to your community and to support those who work hard to make sure the rest of us have something to eat every day!


Butternut squash season is just kicking off, so this is a great time to pick up this beautifully bright and nutrient-dense veggie at your local store. It’s packed Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Calcium, and a fantastic source of immunity-boosting beta- and alpha-carotenes. Just in time as we head into what looks to be a pretty ugly cold and flu season (thanks, ‘rona )

What are some of YOUR favorite seasonal foods? Head over to Insta and let me know; I want to hear from you @FitMenCook!

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5 Ways To Beat SAD Thu, 03 Sep 2020 12:40:00 +0000 5 WAYS TO BEAT  SAD Ok, talking about mental health is the only way to destigmatize it and work towards a better future.  So let’s go! You’ve heard about the winter blues, right? What about the summer blues? Even though we culturally associate this time of the year with sun, fun, and bbq, it can become draining […]

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Ok, talking about mental health is the only way to destigmatize it and work towards a better future.  So let’s go!

You’ve heard about the winter blues, right? What about the summer blues?

Even though we culturally associate this time of the year with sun, fun, and bbq, it can become draining and difficult for some people. I know because I’m one of them.

Summer blues are a form of SAD (seasonal affective disorder), which is a condition that affects ~20% of the American population. To give you some background and context:

  • People who suffer from SAD are sensitive to natural changes in temperature and light which can trigger mental distress.
  • People who live further from the equator are more likely to experience SAD during the winter months, where those of us closer to the equator are more likely to experience it in the summer.
  • In the winter, SAD usually prompts overeating, weight gain, and hypersomnia; while in the summer, SAD usually presents a decreased appetite and insomnia. Both can trigger intense depression, anxiety, irritability, and agitation.

About 10% of those who suffer from SAD experience symptoms in the summer months.  While this only statistically affects a smaller part of the population, it should be noted that suicide rates are at their highest during the spring and summer months.

Reflecting on my own life, when I learned about summer SAD things began to make a lot more sense – my severest battles with depression and thoughts of suicide largely occurred between June and August.


This year has been particularly challenging. The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have intensified feelings of anxiety and encouraged (self) isolation.

Protests against racial injustice and inequality have (rightfully) dominated the media but also have left many feeling despondent and disenchanted.

Millions of people are at risk of being evicted and small business owners are looking for much-needed relief.

And much more!

All that to say, there’s a lot going on without having to battle SAD.


Someone once asked me what it feels like to have anxiety?  This scenario is the first thing that came to mind:

Imagine you’re going on a date with your celebrity crush, and s/he is at the restaurant waiting for you. On the way there, you get a flat. You don’t want them to think you’re standing them up: this is your ONE shot! You can’t call them because your phone’s dead and you can feel beads of sweat run down your forehead as you struggle to find a way to make it to the restaurant…

That’s me on some days when I wake up in the morning – panic-stricken from the moment I open my eyes.

And what sucks most, is it seems like everyone around me is feeling the exact opposite, enjoying summer sunshine and carefree moments with friends by “the beach.”

And here’s the usual impact for me:

My sleep is compromised, I struggle to stay on a regular eating plan with a suppressed appetite and…I’m admittedly a bit moodier than I’d like to be.

Of course, there can be more impact for others, but this is just the gist for me.

Like I said earlier, while this has been my most challenging summer in a long time, I’m definitely not throwing in the towel!  There’s always hope and action!

Depression and anxiety ain’t new – they just suck – but here are 5 ways I’ve picked up along my journey to manage summer SAD to make the most of every moment!


1) Move to a morning exercise routine. I cannot stress enough how important it is to understand the connection between physical and mental health.  Although it’s SO much harder to exercise when we feel low, that’s when it becomes MOST important to boost serotonin! We have to get the blood pumping and I feel most powerful in the morning (after I’ve fully woken up of course).   So move your routine to the morning and try to get active outside to a) beat the heat, b) soak up Vitamin D and c) set the tone for the rest of the day.

2) Examine your diet. Taking stock of what (and how much of it) we’re eating or drinking when suffering from mental health problems is important. When we start down the path of medicating with food and drink, we start to cultivate behaviors that will be difficult to stop in the future.  Because it may feel good in the moment, we fail to see the unhealthy habits we’re developing.  For me, that’s binging before bedtime (so I can sleep), a habit that has taken YEARS to overcome.  

In terms of diet, I enjoy the Mediterranean Diet, especially during the summer, since it’s full of fresh and flavorful foods that are both heart- and brain-boosting. Also, it’s flexible enough to accommodate frozen veggies and canned foods, which makes maintaining nutrition a LOT easier since there’s no prep work with those packaged FRESH foods.

3) Find ways to make life easier. Look, the day-to-day gets hard to keep up with when we’re running on next to no sleep. So find ways to remove stressors from your life wherever you can. At times, I’ll switch to using paper plates and plastic utensils because I know the dishes will pile up otherwise. Once, when I was in one of my worst states and making a very small salary, I was able to re-arrange my budget to afford to pay a housekeeper $75/month to come and take care of my place, which was immensely helpful.  And all it costs me was dining out less during the month. For you, it could be finding a meal prep company.  Prioritize and be smart about spending when you’re struggling mentally.

4)  Set and maintain boundaries. In our personal AND professional lives, boundaries are critical for positive mental health, so it’s important to clearly define them and defend them. For example, I have a hard time “turning off” and stepping away from work. But this summer, I’ve deliberately tried to be online less often on the weekends to make sure I’m spending time on myself and taking care of my personal needs.  This step back allows me to keep the focus on ME and not what’s going on around me.  Comparing my life to others on social media is one of the most common traps that can lead to dissatisfaction and affect the boundaries I set for myself.

5) Be proactive. We should all have a mental health crisis reaction plan so that we have fail-safes in place to fall back on when things get hard.  Calling a friend.  Scheduling time with your therapist or psychiatrist.  Making sure you have medication handy if/when you need it.  And maybe even a few affirmations and/or prayers that you can say to remind you of your worth.  I’ve got a whole playbook that includes as much or as little extra structure as I need in my day to make it through.  You should, too.


Whether you experience SAD in the summer, the winter, or not at all, practice kindness

One thing that I’ve been reminding myself to do is treat myself with grace.  Be slow to criticize and/or critique how I’m responding mentally to this unprecedented time in history; while being quick to celebrate the smallest of ways I’m overcoming summer SAD on a daily basis.

So when I say “practice kindness,” that should start with ourselves.  It’s difficult – some would say impossible – to show authentic compassion to others when we don’t offer the same to ourselves.

If this summer’s been a struggle for you, too, consider seeing a doctor or talking to someone you trust. Never be afraid to speak up and ask for help…because most of the time those you reach out to will appreciate your honesty and allow you more grace than you think.

Last night I got a random text from a friend.  This is what it said in case you’d like to use his words:

“Something keeps telling me to check on you. Are you good?”

And just that simple text put the biggest smile on my face.  Truthfully, I had been silently feeling the weight of it all recently.  I don’t know how he knew, but I’m glad he checked in to find out. 

Again, talking about mental health is the only way to destigmatize it and work towards a better future.

So let’s do that together:

If you’re REALLY struggling and need to talk to someone immediately, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Helpline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or connect via their live chat here.

Much love and God bless!


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Coronavirus: 5 Tips To Stay Mentally Strong Wed, 25 Mar 2020 12:31:00 +0000 To help protect your mental health from the psychological impact of the coronavirus, here are five tips you can follow starting right now. Whether you’re practicing social distancing, in self-isolation, or even if you or someone you know is quarantined, these tips can help keep you mentally strong and fit to deal with the coronavirus […]

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To help protect your mental health from the psychological impact of the coronavirus, here are five tips you can follow starting right now. Whether you’re practicing social distancing, in self-isolation, or even if you or someone you know is quarantined, these tips can help keep you mentally strong and fit to deal with the coronavirus crisis.


In a situation like this, the things that are beyond my control–how other people are responding to the crisis, how long it will last, whether or not there’s toilet paper at the store–can spike my anxiety. And if your life has suddenly gone through a radical change because of this outbreak, you probably know what I’m talking about.

To re-introduce a sense of control into my life, I created a schedule that I committed to following. It covers EVERYTHING that I know I need to do, including what times I want to go to sleep and wake up in the morning.

TIP: It might be tempting to sleep in or stay up all night if you’re self-isolating. But that’s a BAD idea! If you do, you run the risk of starting up a cycle of disrupted sleeping habits that you’ll have to deal with when things turn around.

Setting a schedule and maintaining structure and control over the one thing that’s in my own hands right now (my behavior) is an effective way to settle anxiety and keep my mind off of the things that are completely OUT of my hands.

ALSO: I didn’t forget to schedule a time to exercise and get outdoors, and neither should you.

Physical activity is SO important for mental and physical health. Plus, if you get outside you might get some much-needed social interaction. Just practice distancing, keep your hands to yourself, and you’ll be doing your part to stop the outbreak.


Social distancing doesn’t mean the same thing as social isolation. And if you are self-isolating, the tools and technology that are available to us make it easy to stay connected. We’re social creatures, we need connections to be healthy. So as part of my schedule, I’m including specific days and times to set work aside and catch up with my close friends and family.

This is REALLY important if you know anybody who is directly affected by COVID-19.

Studies conducted on SARS patients who were quarantined in Toronto during that outbreak found:

  • 29% of the people who faced quarantine reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
  • 31% of them reported symptoms of depression

So if you know someone who’s sick or even someone who’s just having a difficult time right now and maybe you haven’t heard from them recently, reach out and connect.

One positive thing I’m seeing lately? So many people are leveraging social media to come together in different ways. I’ve never spent so much time scrolling through social feeds. Because right now, it’s reminding me that I am. not. alone.

And that’s a really important thing to keep in mind.


Letting myself to be open about and have honest conversations about my mental wellbeing was a huge relief. It was scary at first, but it made a BIG difference. Sometimes just talking about what’s making me anxious is enough to calm my anxiety.

BY THE WAY: It’s normal to feel anxious right now. It’s normal to be afraid or even depressed.

And if you are, guess what?

You’re not alone, there are millions of people just like you.

We need to keep talking to each other, now more than ever, specifically about how we’re feeling. Because the more we do, the more we embrace our humanity. So when I’m feeling overwhelmed, I’m going to reach out to people I trust and talk about it. The conversation can start with something as simple as “hey, I’m feeling stressed about what’s happening right now. Got a minute to talk?”


Watching the news is important because we need to stay updated, but the 24-hour news cycle can be DRAINING, especially lately. So I’m going to practice changing the channel more often. As a person who loves politics and the news, I’m going to limit how much exposure I have over the next couple of weeks. I’m also going to focus less on opinions and more on critical updates.

What am I doing INSTEAD of watching the news non-stop? I’m filling up my time catching up on shows that make me laugh, or shows that brighten my day. Because I know that laughter is the best medicine, and I know that humor is the best way to cut through tensions and anxiety.

ALSO: I’m being more careful about my social media exposure for the next couple of weeks. I get online to connect and engage and to laugh. When I see things that don’t make me feel great, I mute or unfollow, depending on what I’m seeing.

It sounds simple, but it’s easy to forget:

  • You’re in control of how much news you watch.
  • You’re in control of who you follow and what ideas you allow yourself to entertain.

Send those bad vibes to voicemail!


Recently I dropped off supplies at a local food bank, I talked to a friend who’s having a hard time financially during this crisis, and I offered to grocery shop for my parents and other who are in need.

Servitude, like making a schedule and being mindful of what I entertain, gives me a sense of control in a situation that I have no control of.

But it also fills me up with gratitude, which can pull me out of even my lowest lows.

If you find your mood slipping while you’re weathering this storm, finding ways to help others and show kindness can turn it all around.

Because servitude reminds us all that our contributions can have positive impacts on the world.

Servitude reminds us that:

  • The people in your community depend on you.
  • We depend on you to make good decisions about your hygiene and your health for the betterment of your community.
  • We depend on you to bring positivity and ideas and innovation, for the betterment of our global community.

All that to say, you matter.

Our current circumstance won’t last forever. But while it does, we can cope.

  • We can create schedules and structures to help us regain some control.
  • We can stay connected with each other.
  • We can remember to ask for help when we need it.
  • We can be mindful of what we entertain, and
  • We can remember to help others as well.

So keep fighting, hope is on the way, and better days are coming very soon.


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How To Eat Healthy When You’re Depressed Wed, 10 Oct 2018 11:51:00 +0000 Being affected by mental health doesn’t make you weird. It merely proves that you’re human.  So, let’s continue to break the stigma of mental health. As we head into the fall and winter months where many people are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – seasonal depression due to changes in the climate and weather – I’d […]

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Being affected by mental health doesn’t make you weird. It merely proves that you’re human.  So, let’s continue to break the stigma of mental health.

As we head into the fall and winter months where many people are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – seasonal depression due to changes in the climate and weather – I’d like to give six simple strategies that have worked for me to ensure you stay on track to achieve your goals in both your body and mind.



This will vary from person to person but if you’ve had depression for long enough, you oftentimes can sense a change in your mood and behavior.  For me, I may feel more anxious when I wake up and I’ll find it a bit harder to get that morning workout or walk completed.

So, I’ll limit the amount of caffeine I have.  No more expressos and Americanos for that jolt of energy in the morning since caffeine is a stimulant and can intensify anxiety.  Same goes for pre-workout supplements or fat burners – those are critical and can be very dangerous!  So, evaluate all vitamins and supplements that you may be taking to ensure there are no stimulants and not just caffeine.

If I need a jolt in the morning, I’ll have a shot of apple cider vinegar mixed with water and lemon juice.  And since I personally hate vinegar, this really wakes me up.

Also, I’ll let my accountability friend know that I’m feeling anxious and depressed, and WHAT I plan to do to feel better.  This includes cutting out caffeine, seeing a therapist or counselor and limiting alcohol consumption.

I’ll be honest – it can feel good to “therapize” with alcohol, especially when it’s disguised as a night out with friends, but you must resist the urge AND you should let your close friends know.  And any friend that makes you feel less than for not drinking OR even choosing to avoid the temptation altogether by not going out, is not a friend you’ll want for the long haul.  Trust.

In summary, when you smell and see smoke, call the Fire Department.  It’s best not to wait until the house is completely engulfed in flames to call for help.  Similarly, when you see signs, say something and take appropriate action.



When you’re depressed, basic everyday tasks such as showering and eating can be challenging.  This is something that many people do not understand and partly why some people with depression tend to hide their struggles because a person can feel embarrassed to admit.

I remember going to a fitness event back in 2014.  It was during the summer and I was secretly depressed.  One of the guys who I had just seen a few months earlier saw me and remarked, “Geez! Every time I see you, you’re getting smaller and smaller. You need to eat bro!”  Truth was, I was having trouble eating, coupled with the fact that I was FitMenCook and I was expected to eat (and post) a meal that was pleasing to the eye and to my body.  Sounds simple and easy enough…except for when you’re depressed.  Then it’s just debilitating.  Honestly, I was just happy that I made it out to that event.

So, to relieve some of the pressure I felt, I learned to separate “my job” as FitMenCook from my health.  I removed the pressure of trying to create something “social media ready” for my PERSONAL diet. 

I stripped my diet down to the basics and removed any foods that I may potentially binge such as nut butter, jams, protein cookies, chips, etc.

When you feel depressed, lack of motivation is a significant factor which tends to directly impact our food choices.  Whatever is available to eat, we eat, paying little attention to the nutritional value.  This is where many people get caught up.

To combat this, stock up on quick (instant) foods that require little effort to prepare.

Food For Beating Depression Examples:

  • canned premium white chicken
  • premium canned tuna or salmon
  • whey protein
  • instant oatmeal
  • instant rice or quinoa
  • mixed salads in a bag
  • eggs
  • avocado
  • air popped popcorn
  • yogurt cartons
  • nuts & seeds
  • bananas and…
  • frozen dinners.

If you need some ideas to prepare healthy recipes you can get meal prep app pro.

Yes, I would/do actually eat frozen dinners because they were easy.  And I know that some people frown upon SOME of those meals because of the sodium and preservatives; however, with the alternative being binge drinking/eating or nothing at all, that frozen dinner is a FANTASTIC solution.

Also, normally I would tell you to buy fresh produce and chop it up yourself.  But when you’re lacking motivation, spending a few extra dollars to buy pre-cut fruits and veggies like celery or zucchini noodles is encouraged!  Yes, you will see a difference in your spending and maybe that can be an indirect motivator to start prepping some more food.

And while I LOVE almond and peanut butter, it’s a comfort food for me when I feel anxious.  I would secretly eat an entire jar at 3 am so that I could induce a food coma and pass out.  It was awful.  So, I temporarily removed those types of foods that were problems for me and made sure that wholesome foods were in arm’s length.

Some people don’t like the approach of removing foods because you could potentially replace one bad habit with another, but for me, so far so good!  I think I haven’t done that because at the same time I’m eliminating foods, I’m also dealing with underlying issues that may affect my eating through counseling.

In all, as you keep your diet simple, make sure you’re getting sufficient nutrients either from the foods you eat OR natural vitamins and supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, magnesium, and amino acids. This is important since mental health has been linked to nutrient intake.



This may seem to contradict tip 2 but they are largely complementary.  Your overall diet should be simple and easily achievable.

But, there are added benefits to cooking nutritious food – the sense of accomplishment from making a meal is significant.  It can affect your mood and even inspire a little creativity as you add a “dash of this or that” to make the recipe your own.

When cooking, put on some music you like or turn on your favorite Internet-TV show as background noise and enjoy the process of cooking.  Don’t worry about making it perfect.

Like tip 2, start small with meals that are easy to make – slow cooker meals, frittatas, stir-fry, veggie noodle pasta, and even waffles or muffins.

Cook your way into a better mood and reward your body in the process.  Do this at least once a week and be consistent with it.



You may be surprised at this tip but it’s hugely important in our “always connected” society.

During high months when you’re feeling great, you can draw a lot of inspiration to get summer time from social media.  Those pictures and videos of models help to remind you of your goals and can give you an extra push in the gym.

When you’re not feeling as great, scrolling thru endless pictures of perfectly chiseled bodies and picture-perfect moments of Instagram families can actually be…depressing!

So many times friends or people I’m advising on a diet will tell me how they are upset that they are not seeing the same results that the models on social media seem to have.  I remind them that models are actually paid – it’s their actual job to look good.  And it comes with a LOT of sacrifice to be “camera-ready” all year.

But a better question, if it’s making you feel negative about your own progress, or lack thereof, why are you following?

This is especially true since your mood impacts your diet! You may feel like “what’s the point of eating healthy because I’ll never look like that?!” And that type of thinking further contributes to poor eating decisions whether it is binging or skipping meals altogether. Both are harmful.

You can mute their feeds or unfollow for a short while, then go back to following when you’re up for some more motivation.   Remember, they are real people, too, and likely struggle with the same darn issues the rest of us have.  They just may not show it.

So, go through social media and unfollow or mute feeds that no longer serve your interests now.



One of the best things I’ve found to be most helpful was and is having something to do.  Meaning, make your diet purpose driven.  When you have a specific fitness goal in mind, it helps to focus your efforts around eating.  It’s a constant reminder.

Whether it’s running a 5k all the way up to a marathon, obstacle course, a powerlifting meet, surfing, a bodybuilding competition or even being able to walk around the neighborhood with your kids, use those specific goals to focus your eating.



This is probably the most important.

Admittedly, some moments will be tougher than others.  Some of those moments you’ll “rise to the occasion” and make healthy choices that further your goals, and in other moments you’re just happy to make it out of bed.  And that’s real and understandable.

So be fair with yourself while at the same time being honest.

Even if you lack the motivation to do basic things…

…are you at least putting yourself in a position to win and get the added help you may need?  Only you can answer that.

Your life is valuable and your contribution to society matters in ways you’ll never know. So don’t discount your life or your experience.  You matter!

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Red Wine Does Not Make You Sexy Or Burn Calories, Sorry Thu, 30 Apr 2015 18:47:00 +0000 Editor’s note: Article by Guest blogger Mandi Gelsen, ISSA Certified Personal Trainer — The TRUTH on the Health Benefits of Red Wine—or Lack There of: “One Glass of Red Wine is Equivalent to an Hour in the Gym” “Is Red Wine Actually Good for You” “4 Health Benefits of Red Wine” Yes, my friends. You know you’ve seen […]

The post Red Wine Does Not Make You Sexy Or Burn Calories, Sorry appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

Editor’s note: Article by Guest blogger Mandi Gelsen, ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

The TRUTH on the Health Benefits of Red Wine—or Lack There of:

“One Glass of Red Wine is Equivalent to an Hour in the Gym”

“Is Red Wine Actually Good for You”

“4 Health Benefits of Red Wine”

Yes, my friends. You know you’ve seen those posts casually embedded in your Facebook newsfeeds more often than not. Your wine-o friends or acquaintances will desperately find any way possible to take the easy way out of “being healthy.” After all, I would know, I love wine. However, if that first headline is true and one glass of wine is equivalent to an hour in the gym…then why don’t I have a six pack by now? Most people are probably wondering that, actually.

The answer is simple. Those titles up there…they’re false. I KNOW, I KNOW. I’m sorry to be the downer in this situation. I love wine so much that if I didn’t have a full-time job that I love and a family on the east coast, I would literally move to Napa or Sonoma…or Italy…or wherever the wine was.


So let’s break it down real quick. What about wine isn’t actually GOOD for you? Let’s review the nutrition facts. (1) a serving of red wine is equivalent to 5 fl oz. There’s about 125 calories in (1) serving. No protein, about 4 grams of carbs (give or take), no fat, pretty low on the sugar spectrum, and no additional “beneficial” nutrients. Ever heard of “empty calories”…unfortunately that applies in this situation. Red wine does not actually provide the body with anything useful. Just look at the nutrition facts on any bottle. Most will read the same or similar.


But what about all of those antioxidants that come from grapes, you may be asking. Yes, grapes do contain the antioxidant better known as resveratrol, which, when consumed in substantial doses, has the potential to improve your body’s longevity, according to a study performed by JAMA Internal Medicine.  The adverse facts about this is that the natural levels occurring in foods such as grapes, dark chocolate, etc, does not actually have a lasting effect on the body.

So just drink more wine right? Well, no, not really. To fully get the benefits of the antioxidant resveratrol, you would need to supplement with it to get a higher, more concentrated dose.


Now that we’ve cracked that shell of a rumor that started many years ago, let’s just touch on how this rumor even came to be. It’s quite entertaining, really.

A hypothesis created a while back stated that since the French drink so much wine, it had to be directly correlated to their lower rates of cardiovascular disease, regardless of the fact that much of the food in France is high in fat. Sadly, there’s no scientific evidence to provide proof of such a hypothesis.

At the end of the day, the people who have the dream physiques we all lust after are not spending their days sipping on vino (but wouldn’t it be SO COOL if they were?). They’re exercising and eating in moderation. The tried and tested way for effective weight and fat loss.

But, best believe, if a wine is created that can substitute one hour in the gym…sign me up!

Mandi Gelsen, ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
GYFT Content Writer
Follow me on Twitter: @Mandisonfire
Instagram: @mandileighfit

This article is presented by our friends over at Get Your Fit Together | Give their awesome articles a thumbs up on Facebook| Tweet them your thoughts on Twitter

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The Benefits Of High-Intensity Interval Training Sun, 19 Apr 2015 21:39:00 +0000 Editor’s note: Article by Guest blogger Justin Zipprich __ High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a method of exercise in which an individual quickly alternates between short and intense anaerobic exercise and much calmer recovery periods. Studies have shown that individuals who train using intervals have lost weight, and have also improved their metabolism and vastly improved their physical […]

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Editor’s note: Article by Guest blogger Justin Zipprich


High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a method of exercise in which an individual quickly alternates between short and intense anaerobic exercise and much calmer recovery periods.

Studies have shown that individuals who train using intervals have lost weight, and have also improved their metabolism and vastly improved their physical capacity. While the intervals come in quick bursts, so do the workouts in general, with most HIIT sessions lasting between as little as four to thirty total minutes. HIIT is a great way to burn fat and work on achieving six-pack abs.

As with any form of exercise, a general HIIT session will begin with a warm up session: jogging in place, stretching, jumping jacks, etc. Then, the real training begins with approximately three to ten continuous repetitions of a very high level, intense exercise mixed with recovery periods that are much lighter, yet still work the body. When the workout is completed, a cool down period will follow, mixed with some stretching.

Athlete’s caught on to the advantages of high-intensity interval training many years ago, and most of them swear by it. Recent studies have proven that an intense 30-minute HIIT session can burn just as many, and sometimes more calories than an hour-long steady state cardio session, such as running straight for a mile.

Another proven advantage of HIIT is how your body reacts after the workout is done. There is a theory that HIIT can produce an after burn effect in the body. When the after burn takes hold, the body can maintain an elevated metabolism, which has been shown to remain in effect for hours or even days. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

Just the minimal time requirement needed for HIIT should be enough of a selling point. To most, the idea of a five to 30 minute work out seems like a wasted effort, but the after burn effect in itself should be enough to convince you otherwise. HIIT allows the body to continue burning fat long after the workout has been completed, that is something that just won’t happen with the steady state option.

The fact is, that even though steady state cardio is a great way to stay fit, engaging in HIIT is really the best way to gain that six-pack that you so badly want. Once you burn those layers of fat and really get to your core, you can spend a large amount of your time sculpting your abs, while creating the perfect body. Below is a sample routine to get you started. You can find many other HIIT workouts online.

Sample HIIT Routine:

  1. Complete a four-minute workout complete with low intensity exercises such as torso rotations, high kicks and standing crisscross crunches.
  2. Launch into your program with 20 seconds of high impact jumping jacks.
  3. 10 seconds of low intensity marching in place
  4. 20 seconds of high impact ski squats and kicks
  5. 10 seconds of low intensity marching in place
  6. 20 seconds of high impact traveling push ups
  7. 10 seconds of low intensity marching in place
  8. 20 seconds of high impact crossover crunches
  9. 10 seconds of low intensity marching in place
  10. 20 seconds of high impact fingertip to toe jacks
  11. Repeat steps 1-10.
  12. Cool down
  13. Stretch

By: Justin Zipprich

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30 Day Evo-Lution Challenge 2014 Thu, 02 Jan 2014 14:44:00 +0000 If you’re reading this then maybe you are where I was a few years ago when I first started my journey into a fit & healthy lifestyle. I was curious. Curious about knowing what to do & what to eat, and then later – how to do it and how to cook it. (para la versión […]

The post 30 Day Evo-Lution Challenge 2014 appeared first on Fit Men Cook.

If you’re reading this then maybe you are where I was a few years ago when I first started my journey into a fit & healthy lifestyle. I was curious. Curious about knowing what to do & what to eat, and then later – how to do it and how to cook it. (para la versión en español, haga clic aquí)

Or, perhaps you’re well into your fitness journey and you’re just looking for new ideas or concepts to keep your journey fresh and interesting.

Regardless of where you are, it’s always possible to challenge yourself in new ways so that your journey is long and adventurous.


You should know that this is not and should not be considered a custom fitness & nutrition plan. That’s something that you’ll need to design over time through trial and error or maybe through professional 1×1 guidance.

Rather, these are merely weekly challenges in fitness & nutrition to help you consider small ways you can change your lifestyle.  This is not an exhaustive list of things you can do; again, this is just to get you started. And I revisit these same concepts when I need to freshen my diet & training.

For the fitness portion of the challenges, Nate Costa (@FXSportsPerform), Under Armour Elite Trainer, has provided 3 workouts to challenge you to be at your best in 2014.  Also, I’ve teamed up with some amazing friends & fitness bloggers who are personal trainers, bodybuilding & physique athletes & competitors, boot camp instructors and even athletic coaches to give you inspiration as well! Please “meet” & follow them below.


–Kevin (@fitmencook)


Each weekly challenge builds on the preceding week. At the end of 30 days, you would have hopefully learned how to:

  1. “listen” to your body and attend to its needs; and
  2. make adjustments to your training and diet to complement the goals you have set for yourself

There are 2 tracks – the Regular Challenge and the Advanced Mode Challenge. It’s all up to you regarding which track you decide to follow and how much YOU want to push yourself.  You are unique.  So, do what works for you, your lifestyle, your budget and your goals.

For a limited time from Monday, January 6, 2014 through Saturday, February 1, 2014, our friends at Under Armour want to reward YOU for participating and challenging yourself to Evo-lve in 2014.

Just tag your pics on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with #UAEVOLVE and #FITMENCOOK for a chance to win free Under Armour gear. Here are the rules!

Note: You should always consult with a physician before starting any exercise regimen or nutrition program. Even though this is neither, it’s always beneficial to check with a doctor so that you can understand your total health and any physical or dietary restrictions.

Meet 30-Day Challenge Team

2014 30 Day Evo-lution


NUTRITION: Up your fluid intake & go raw & green!

Objective: Make sure you are properly hydrated and eating your “spinach” like Popeye to supply you with fresh vitamins & minerals, as well as to detoxify your body.

Regular challenge:

  • Swap higher calorie drinks for water
    • Men: 13 cups water/day Why?
    • Women: 9 cups water/day. Why?
  • Eat 2 servings of raw veggies/day
  • Eat 1 serving of raw fruit/day
  • Drink 3 green juices in 1 week
  • NO cheat meals
  • Have your body fat percentage measured at a local clinic, gym or doctor in order to understand any potential health risks * (optional yet recommended)

Advanced challenge:

  • Swap higher calorie drinks for water
    • Same as above. However, if you perform intense exercise lasting more than 1 hour, then challenge yourself to drink about 1 gallon water/day
  • Eat 4 servings of raw veggies/day
  • Eat 2 servings of raw fruit/day
  • Drink 5 green juices in 1 week
  • NO cheat meals
  • Have your body fat percentage measured at a local clinic, gym or doctor in order to understand any potential health risks * (optional yet recommended)

FITNESS: Get Active (Cardio & Yoga) & Set 4-week Goal

Objective: Get active and stay active with light or intense exercise, and work on flexibility to prevent injury and to promote healthy blood flow.

Regular challenge:

  • Get active for 30 minutes at least 6 times/week
    • Examples: walking your dog, running, walking, biking, jumping rope, skating, swimming, basketball, soccer
    • Stretching or yoga for 30 minutes – 3 times/week
    • Increase physical activity
      • Take the stairs when possible (of course be reasonable here)
      • No close parking spots unless needed
        • Set realistic activity goals for 4 weeks
        • how many times a week do you want to exercise?
        • Is there an exercise class you would like to join?
        • Register for a marathon, obstacle course, triathlon, etc?

Advanced challenge:

  • Same base requirements as above
  • Perform Under Armour Elite Trainer Nate Costa Routine #1 (with video instructions)
  • Perform a HIIT routine for 20 minutes – 2 times/week (see example of HIIT below & Week 1 Resources)
  • Total body Tabata circuit
  • Sprint regimen at a track (Walk then sprint. Repeat for time period)
  • Jump rope intervals (jump rope, then rest. Repeat for time period)
  • Perform some form of strength or resistance training at least 3 times/week (see Week 1 Resources)
  • Stretching or yoga for 30 minutes – 5 times/week

Assess your progress following Week 1:

  • How do you feel?
  • Has anything changed?
  • What was the most difficult?
  • What was too easy?
  • What can I tweak or change for the following week?

Week 1 Resources:

Sample HIIT Routine by Julian (@bfitbyj)

Select the picture to view the video.
  • Jump squats 
  • Alternating knees
  • Jump rope high knees

Regular: 20 seconds each exercise, no rest in between. 60 second rest in between each circuit! 10 rounds total!

Advanced: 30 seconds each exercise, 60 seconds rest in between. 10 rounds total!


Nutrition: How much are you eating & “Leave no meal un-prepped!”

Objectives: Learn the basics of understanding calories so you know what you are putting into your body, and learn the importance of meal preparation to lessen the likelihood of making unhealthy food decisions.

What is a calorieSee Week 2 Resource links below for more information about understanding calories and how to calculate the optimal amount of calories for you, including macronutrients – protein, carbohydrates & fats.

Regular challenge:

  • Complete Week 1 challenges
  • Track AND record number of daily calories you’re consuming for 3 days/week (the results may surprise you)
  • Prepare at least 2 meals or snacks for 5 days. Here are 2 options for meal prep:
  1. Prep your meals all at once, freeze them and then defrost in the refrigerator the night before you are going to eat.  You do not need to freeze raw veggies or fruit; or,
  2. Prep for only 2 or 3 days and then prep later in the week when you run out of prepared meals.
  • Incorporate 1 new raw vegetable and 1 new complex carbohydrate source
  • NO cheat meals & no alcohol

Advanced challenge:

  • Complete Week 1 challenges
  • Track & record daily caloric intake for 5 days/week (use tools listed above)
  • Prepare at least 4 different meals or snacks in advance for 5 days (yes, a meal replacement smoothie even counts)
  • Incorporate 2 new raw vegetables and 1 new complex carbohydrate source
  • NO cheat meals & no alcohol

FITNESS: Digging deeper! Increasing intensity

Objective:  Take it one step further by adding resistance or weight training and assess your max in certain exercises.

Regular challenge:

  • Complete Week 1 challenges
  • Perform resistance or weight training – 2 times/ week
  • Find your 1-minute max for each of the following exercises. For added motivation, try friendly competitions with your friends. (Perform again during Week 2 & Week 4.)
    • Air squats
    • Pushups
    • Crunches
    • Rest for no more than 1:30 minute between working sets (if you are lifting weights)
    • Finish each workout with 50 jumping jacks and increase by 10 each week!

Advanced challenge:

  • Complete Week 1 challenges
  • Perform Under Armour Elite Trainer Nate Costa Routine #2 (with video instructions)  
  • Perform resistance or Weight training – 3 to 4 times/week
  • Find your 1-minute max for each of the following exercises. (Perform again during Week 2 & Week 4.)
  • Finish each workout with a burnout jump rope set! – Perform 50 double-unders to finish your workout.

Assess your progress of Week 2:

  • How do you feel?
  • Has anything changed?
  • What was the most difficult?
  • What was too easy?
  • What can I tweak or change for the following week?

Week 2 Resources:


NUTRITION: No processed sugars & Low sodium.

Objective: “Recalibrate” your taste buds to enjoy more of the natural flavors in foods & spices, as well as evaluate the impact lowering sodium & processed sugar has on your body.

Regular challenge:

  • Complete Weeks 1 & 2 challenges
  • Max of 1 serving of 5g raw honey per day. Otherwise, NO sugars or sweeteners.
  • Prepare 1 NO-sodium meal for your weekly meal prepare. Use spices like Mrs. Dash, herbs and ingredients like green onions & diced tomato to enhance flavor of your food.  Here are some low-sodium ingredient ideas.
  • NO processed foods
  • Swap salt for fresh lemon juice

Advanced challenge:

  • Complete Weeks 1 & 2 challenges
  • NO sugars. NO honey. Only sugars are from raw fruits.
  • Prepare 3 NO-sodium meals for your weekly meals
  • NO processed foods
  • Swap salt for fresh lemon juice

FITNESS: Bodyweight work & Calisthenics

Objective: Demonstrate how bodyweight exercises can enhance your fitness regimen, and underscore the benefit of having a workout partner.

Regular track:

  • Complete Weeks 1 & 2 challenges
  • Perform Under Armour Elite Trainer Nate Costa Routine #3 (with video instructions)
  • Incorporate at least 1 bodyweight exercise for legs, chest and back (see Week 3 Resource section for ideas)
  • Incorporate at least 2 bodyweight partner drills for those who have a workout partner (see Week 3 Resource section for ideas)

Advanced challenge:

  • Complete Weeks 1 & 2 challenges
  • Incorporate at least 1 bodyweight exercise for each of the following: arms, legs, chest, shoulders & back
  • Incorporate at least 2 bodyweight partner drills for those who have a workout partner (see Week 3 Resource section for ideas)
  • Perform two bodyweight, bar or calisthenics routines by Frank Medrano (see Week 3 Resources for routines)

Assess your progress of Week 3:

  • How do you feel?
  • Has anything changed?
  • What was the most difficult?
  • What was too easy?
  • What can you tweak or change for the following week?

Frank Medrano Routines

Intermediate Routine

Advanced Routine

Week 3 Resources:


NUTRITION: All natty! No food supplements or processed foods. All real food.

Objective: To only rely on natural, unprocessed (or very minimally processed) foods and monitor how our bodies and taste buds react.

Regular & Advanced mode:

  • Complete Weeks 1, 2 & 3 challenges
  • NO protein powders or power bars (unless authorized by primary physicians)
  • All REAL food – no processed foods

FITNESS: Putting it all together to go HAM

Objective: Take what you have done and put it into practice for yourself by customizing your own plan for the week and noting any improvements or changes in physique and strength.

Regular & Advanced

  • Complete Weeks 1, 2 & 3 challenges
  • Increase total workload or intensity in every workout
    • Choose one of the following to change:
      • Increase sets or reps with good form
      • Alter tempo in training to increase intensity (from Week 2)
      • Decrease amount of rest between sets
  • Assess developments in strength

Assess your progress after 30-Days:

  • What can you do now that you could not do before?
  • How do you feel?
  • What has changed?
  • What changes will you make moving forward?

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The post Be Positive Or Be Silent appeared first on Fit Men Cook.



Haters say things like: “You don’t have what it takes.” “That fitness goal is impossible.” “You’ll never get that career.”

Recently, I was reminded of something my mother taught me – “you have to speak well of yourself so that you can begin to believe it FOR yourself.”

At times you will doubt. But, I am convinced that when you speak positively, you will begin to see hope in your situations and find strength to overcome.

So, if you’re worried about that weight, walk up to the mirror, hit a quick #BOOM flex and say, “Yo, you sexy beast!” LOL And if you cannot be positive, then just be quiet. But not for too long… How will you encourage yourself? God bless.

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